Tee shot rebounds back onto the same teeing area


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Sep 9, 2019
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As I read the rules, if your tee shot were to rebound off say, the forward tee markers (I nearly called them ladies tee markers) and comes to rest on the teeing area just played from, I am in my rights to pick it up and re-tee it?
As I read the rules, if your tee shot were to rebound off say, the forward tee markers (I nearly called them ladies tee markers) and comes to rest on the teeing area just played from, I am in my rights to pick it up and re-tee it?
Your bedtime reading is Rule 6.2.
Likely doesn't need saying for forumers but for the casual onlookers...

By having the option to re-tee in the 'teeing area' we're talking about a ball returning to the defined rectangular space between the tee markers and extending 2 clublengths behind... not the whole area of prepared ground often casually referred to as teeing area/tee box or any other descriptor
Likely doesn't need saying for forumers but for the casual onlookers...

By having the option to re-tee in the 'teeing area' we're talking about a ball returning to the defined rectangular space between the tee markers and extending 2 clublengths behind... not the whole area of prepared ground often casually referred to as teeing area/tee box or any other descriptor
This forumer appreciates this clarification, on a rule that I didn't know existed either :)
This was one rule I got to use literally in the first week of the 2019 rules, my ball having fallen off the tee just when the club head was within a few inches of hitting it.
I bet you felt quite cocky when you told the people in your group you knew that rule :)

Most of my mates know that I know the rules very well. I was responsible for ensuring they were well publicised at the club. I was just proud with all the dozens of changes I remembered that one. I did forget one straight away and picked up after a double hit in the first stableford comp of the year.
Most of my mates know that I know the rules very well. I was responsible for ensuring they were well publicised at the club. I was just proud with all the dozens of changes I remembered that one. I did forget one straight away and picked up after a double hit in the first stableford comp of the year.
Yeah, I was just having a laugh at the picture of you feeling really proud of yourself, moments after hitting a horror tee shot :p
Yeah, I was just having a laugh at the picture of you feeling really proud of yourself, moments after hitting a horror tee shot :p

You can have a karma laugh at my extrication from whins beside our 10th tee one day. Approach shot pushed into the whin bush. Lucky to find it but unplayable. But cleverclogs here, our rules-savvy hero saw the inexpensive way out A penalty drop would leave me still blocked out by the bush but next to a ball washer. Free relief from that would take me on to the tee with a clear line to the hole. Over a bunker, mind you, but no trouble to a man of my calibre, I thought. With focus, concentration and consummate skill I could easily wedge over the bunker to a comfortable putting position. Bunker? What bunker? And all went to plan. A clean strike and my ball was climbing effortlessly on a trajectory that would drop it softly on the green just below the hole.

It was at the apex of its flight and of my smug satisfaction that the ball hit the bough of the tree that overhangs that bunker and went into vertical descent to plug in the sand. It is a mature tree; it was there when I joined the club nearly 40 years ago; it is a highly visible and no doubt visually pleasing tree; but at the crucial moment I didn't even see it. To add to my misery and the vocal amusement of my friends, I took two to get out of the bunker.
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