Tee or no Tee on a Par 3


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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this video explains why I don't use a tee. he calls it pro side thin. it doesn't lend itself to a ball perched on a tee.

listen from 37 seconds.


with pro side thin, you make contact EVERY single time. no perfect, but 100% of the time the ball will go generally where its supposed to and how its supposed to. bottoming out too soon leads to a lot od different problems.

you will NEVER have a pro who bottoms out too early! he just wouldn't make it as a pro if he did!


Jul 11, 2009
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this video explains why I don't use a tee. he calls it pro side thin. it doesn't lend itself to a ball perched on a tee.

listen from 37 seconds.


with pro side thin, you make contact EVERY single time. no perfect, but 100% of the time the ball will go generally where its supposed to and how its supposed to. bottoming out too soon leads to a lot od different problems.

you will NEVER have a pro who bottoms out too early! he just wouldn't make it as a pro if he did!

Sounds a bit Stack and Tilt...


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Sounds a bit Stack and Tilt...

you can see in that slow motion shot at the end of the video that is transferring his weight. its definitely not a stack and tilt swing that he does.

I probably have quite a few elements of stack and tilt in my swing. I didn't fully understand what people meant about transferring weight until I was a mid teen handicap. I still don't consciously shift any weight. I just swing. chances are I don't move too far off my left side. I also play the ball a bit too far back which doesn't help.