Swing Like A Girl!


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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OK swing experts! Assuming the technology works a few examples of me swinging golf clubs should be accessible below....

Everything is in flux at the moment. I'm working on staying more connected, building more lag by holding wrist angle longer and with a more conscious release, different position at top of the swing , trying to swing more "in to out", different first move on the downswing, compress the ball more (with irons).... Possibly a bit too much going on at once and still very much a work in progress but, hey ho, in for a penny and I'm going insane not actually playing!

The good news is that I'm hitting the ball better than ever and tending to hit a slight draw rather than a slight fade. Hitting long irons really crisply which I've been struggling with since taking the game up again. My bad shot has changed from a high, weak fade to an ugly pull/hook (not necessarily a good thing but indicative that things are "different").

Got these videos taken today - very interesting - some things going on there I wasn't really aware of. Certainly doesn't look as good as I had convinced myself it would! :D

Anyway, I have a lesson tomorrow - first one for a few months. Hope my pro isn't too disapproving of all the tinkering I've done since he last saw me swing a club. Would be interesting to see what you lot think....

(Fingers crossed the links work)

7 Iron

3 Wood




Aug 5, 2011
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pretty powerful looking swing there FD:thup:

You'll have spotted a lot yourself to chat with the pro tomorrow, would be interesting to post what his comments were.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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What do you think of the 2 sets of pictures below FD?

Hi Bob,

I'm quite upright - really apparent when compared with Tiger in the first pair of pictures.

Not too sure about the second pair.... I'm wondering if I had more of a spine angle at address that I'd be closer to Tiger's position at the top but there's also something going on with the wrists up there!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Hi Bob,

I'm quite upright - really apparent when compared with Tiger in the first pair of pictures.

Not too sure about the second pair.... I'm wondering if I had more of a spine angle at address that I'd be closer to Tiger's position at the top but there's also something going on with the wrists up there!

That's just what I was thinking.
I'd certainly like to see you more 'dynamic' at address, it looks a bit 'casual'
The left wrist is less of a problem if you're hitting it straight but if you have lets say directional issues, I'd look at maybe changing the wrist position up there.

So, apart from the set-up and the swing, it's fine ;)

Just kidding, good job


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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That's just what I was thinking.
I'd certainly like to see you more 'dynamic' at address, it looks a bit 'casual'
The left wrist is less of a problem if you're hitting it straight but if you have lets say directional issues, I'd look at maybe changing the wrist position up there.

So, apart from the set-up and the swing, it's fine ;)

Just kidding, good job

Thanks, Bob. I think you're absolutely right about the address position... will be interesting to experiment with but, like everything, it feels a bit strange when I first try it.

Not surprised by the wrist issue. One of the main things my pro always wants me to work on is using my wrists more in the swing and I've been working quite hard on that - getting a good wrist break, holding it on the downswing and releasing through the strike. Since I've largely been tinkering with that on my own I will definitely be getting his thoughts on how I'm doing tomorrow. I am hitting it fairly straight though! :cool:

Thanks for the tips!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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You have a very flat swing with a closed clubface, I can see whey you get these snap hooks. You are also very flat on your feet at impact with very little hip rotation making your swing very arms driven, I would guess this is losing you power.

Let us know how you get on with the lesson.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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You have a very flat swing with a closed clubface, I can see whey you get these snap hooks. You are also very flat on your feet at impact with very little hip rotation making your swing very arms driven, I would guess this is losing you power.

Let us know how you get on with the lesson.

Thanks SR. I had a very flat swing before having lessons last year.... it's got flatter again recently as I've worked on hitting it right to left. I think it'd be less flat if I changed my address position as Bob mentioned. Very interested to see how this goes over at the lesson tomorrow.

Your comment about little hip rotation is very interesting. One of the big things my pro is keen on is for me to minimise my hip turn.... I can almost guarantee he will mention it again tomorrow! I agree I'm quite "armsy" though.... one of several things I'm working on!


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
....trying to swing more "in to out",

Don't TRY to swing 'out' to the ball, just try and swing straight. Swinging out is one of the worst feelings to have, it can cause rolling of the wrists and flipping of the club (both cause the clubface to close too much and the ball starts left and goes left).


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Hi Bob,

I'm quite upright - really apparent when compared with Tiger in the first pair of pictures.

Is it so apparent watching this LADIES swing?


Be careful you don't over do it. Ladies generally don't swing like men.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Looks quite good. I just think that you should have a fuller shoulder turn. If the shoulders turn a full 90 degrees the hips should automatically follow and rotate the right amount.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Unfortunately I didn't take my A game to the lesson. It's very cold here today with wee flurries of snow. I started shanking it during my warm up so was quite tense by the time the lesson started and never got any heat in my hands.

Overall he seems quite happy; things are much better than when he gave me lessons last winter. The main things he wants me to work on are maybe not apparent viewing he swing from behind....

As I thought, he wants me to make LESS hip turn... I don't stay centred over the ball during my backswing so have to try not to make the hip turn to avoid sliding backwards. I still have to complete the shoulder turn and maximise the torque by having greater shoulder than hip turn.

This was a huge problem with my swing a year ago... It's better now but still needs to improve.

The other thing is that I allow my arms to separate too much during the swing, I seem to try to steer too much with my left arm rather than releasing properly and turning through the strike.

So my thoughts for the next wee while are; stay centred with minimal hip turn during the backswing, keep narrow width between my arms throughout the swing and turn through fully. Plus stay lower through the strike.