Swing Like A Girl!


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Unfortunately I didn't take my A game to the lesson. It's very cold here today with wee flurries of snow. I started shanking it during my warm up so was quite tense by the time the lesson started and never got any heat in my hands.

Overall he seems quite happy; things are much better than when he gave me lessons last winter. The main things he wants me to work on are maybe not apparent viewing he swing from behind....

As I thought, he wants me to make LESS hip turn... I don't stay centred over the ball during my backswing so have to try not to make the hip turn to avoid sliding backwards. I still have to complete the shoulder turn and maximise the torque by having greater shoulder than hip turn.

This was a huge problem with my swing a year ago... It's better now but still needs to improve.

The other thing is that I allow my arms to separate too much during the swing, I seem to try to steer too much with my left arm rather than releasing properly and turning through the strike.

So my thoughts for the next wee while are; stay centred with minimal hip turn during the backswing, keep narrow width between my arms throughout the swing and turn through fully. Plus stay lower through the strike.

Good stuff Dodger, I thought the swing looked pretty good! It looks unbelievably like the Choi swing (not KJ thankfully!). I'm thinking of going for a lesson too, sounds like even if you dont bring your A game a good pro can still pick out some improvements. Still, off 7.4 you must be pretty decent around the greens too, any goals for the season ahead or are you just playing ball?