For me after creaming the driver, is the shots where you are in danger of scoring BIG and you need to hook/slice the ball 20+yards and it comes off. It might not be the prettiest of shots but when they come off they keep your card going and confidence gets a little boost. My game has always had the odd push and pull and recovery shots get practiced on the practice grounds after ive done my main practice, I suppose a little like when beckham etc practices the free kicks after everyone else has hit the showers.
Nothing makes me laugh inside as when someone hits into ttrouble then tries some stupid left foot below right, ball slightly above foot level with trees behind them and duff the ball 5 feet when "trying to hook the ball up onto the green" when its a shot they have never practiced anything even remotely close.
Nothing makes me laugh inside as when someone hits into ttrouble then tries some stupid left foot below right, ball slightly above foot level with trees behind them and duff the ball 5 feet when "trying to hook the ball up onto the green" when its a shot they have never practiced anything even remotely close.