Speeding fine.


Tour Rookie
Mar 10, 2013
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I have just been given a £100 fine and 3 points for exceeding 30 mph limit by 5 mph.
Just wondering if it is worth appealing this on the grounds of car speedo tolerances ?
Would just hold my hands up and cough up but according to the local paper this camera seems to be sited less for road safety and more about income.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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At best they would give you a 10% tolerance, that would be 33mph. so suck it up and pay the fine me thinks.


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Feb 15, 2015
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At best they would give you a 10% tolerance, that would be 33mph. so suck it up and pay the fine me thinks.

This may be right but I thought that ACPO guidelines were / or used to be 10% tolerance +2 mph, but that may be old news now. Also they were only guidelines and it's down to the magistrates to decide if you do contest it, in which case the penalty increases should your appeal be chucked out.

Ah - just checked as I typed and found this link, so looks like you can't really appeal based purely on tolerance either, but depending on the nick of your licence then a speed awareness course looks possible.

http://www.ukmotorists.com/Speed Enforcement Policy Guidelines for UK Police Forces.asp


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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Herself was done for doing 33 in a 30mph zone... She queried about there being any tolerance and was told this was at the discretion of the local chief of police... Where she was caught [North Wales] it was absolute zero tolerance.... About the only time in her life she has uttered a swear word...


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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Depends on how you were caught, if it was speed camera (mobile, fixed or hand held) I think you just have to suck it up. If it was by being followed by a patrol car, again suck it up, their speedos are calibrated quite regularly and they have the tools in car to check speeds accurately.

If however it was a dog van of similar, you could ask for the speedo to be checked and you have a very faint outside chance of getting off.

My old man was a traffic cop for 30yrs, and he quite regularly had to go out and calibrate panda car speedos and in some instances they were well out.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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I have just been given a £100 fine and 3 points for exceeding 30 mph limit by 5 mph.
Just wondering if it is worth appealing this on the grounds of car speedo tolerances ?
Would just hold my hands up and cough up but according to the local paper this camera seems to be sited less for road safety and more about income.

The fine at the moment (£100) is based on you accepting you were guilty. If you appeal on the grounds of tolerance I have a feeling you will be unsuccessful. If you appeal in essence you cannot say you are guilty but the tolerance bit could be wrong. The courts will look and say your guilty. The fine will then not stay at £100, it will increase and will the involve court costs etc. You may well be paying more than twice the amount.
Ask to go on a driver awareness course, it will be about the same amount but will save you three points, and educate you. Don't mean to sound patronising but you know what I mean.
have a look at page 131 on magistrates sentence guidelines. The 3 points are for speeding in a 30 mph from 31 - 40 mph. Tolerances are not considered.
You will be bogged off with getting the points and fine but not as bogged off as going to court and coming away having lost your case.
hope it helps me man.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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The fine at the moment (£100) is based on you accepting you were guilty. If you appeal on the grounds of tolerance I have a feeling you will be unsuccessful. If you appeal in essence you cannot say you are guilty but the tolerance bit could be wrong. The courts will look and say your guilty. The fine will then not stay at £100, it will increase and will the involve court costs etc. You may well be paying more than twice the amount.
Ask to go on a driver awareness course, it will be about the same amount but will save you three points, and educate you. Don't mean to sound patronising but you know what I mean.
have a look at page 131 on magistrates court sentencing guidelines. The 3 points are for speeding in a 30 mph from 31 - 40 mph. Tolerances are not considered.
You will be bogged off with getting the points and fine but not as bogged off as going to court and coming away having lost your case.
hope it helps me man. All the best Tashyboy. Don't know why it has posted twice.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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My Mrs got done doing 35mph in a 30mph zone - on her way to hospital with my toothbrush just after I'd been admitted with as suspected heart attack. She - annoyed with herself - shrugged her shoulders, paid the fine and took the points as she knew that a few minutes earlier at hospital with my toothbrush wouldn't have made any difference - and claiming she was distracted by my condition isn't a great excuse either for careless or inattentive driving. Pay up - take points.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Take the fine and points and learn from it,its 30mph for a reason.

And a maximum 30mph in perfect driving conditions! When was this, day, time, conditions?

Too many people think that because it's 30, 40, 70 etc that you should drive at that speed!


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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My old instructor told me its the maximum! Not a target!

Exactly, so playing devils advocate, if you were at 35mph at 7pm in the rain, your appeal would fall on very deaf ears!

I have excellent experience on this subject, I've had as many speeding issues as I've had infractions 😜😜


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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I wouldn't waste that amount of time on such a course.

Some thickos might get to learn what average means...

New cameras have been put in place, around these parts, to enable penalties to be based on average speed... From what I have heard, many of those caught have been saying they didn't understand what average speed meant...

Been quite amusing watching vehicles race on by at intergalactic speeds then see their brake lights light up as they approach the new cameras like that's going to help them...
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Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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And don't forget you have to advise your indurance co now if you do a speed awareness course..... the days of not telling them are gone.