Solheim Cup

Brilliant, just brilliant... great TV and some fantastic golf played there.

Kudos to Hedwall for 5-0, simply faultless.
Ciganda for winning ALL her matches despite missing every fairway - just astonishing
Even Petterson just went 1up against Salas on the 16th despite Salas putting the skin off her ball today.
Recari has putted amazingly well
Munoz - one of the best putters I've ever seen.
Would have liked to see Sergas scrape at least a half... (maybe she will as it's not quite finished yet)

All round it was absolutely EXCELLENT viewing!!... might as well go watch the last few holes now.

Well done European Ladies....

Solheim Cup winners 2013 :whoo:

This ^^^ with bells on - brilliant. Great golf and great viewing.
Looks like it might have something to do with a tweet Petterson made before the competition started about waiting around for the Americans to have their nails painted.....

Interesting article, but more loving the comments and responses to the article....there's some absolute belters in there....mainly from Americans who are embarrassed and ashamed of the US teams antics and OTT celebrations.
Reading some of those comments it seems irony is still a mystery to most Americans. They spend the whole thread complaining about a lack of class and respect being shown by the American players while at the same time making derogatory comments on the appearance and weight of some of them.
What a great advert for the womens game - great viewing

I thought the same thing. There were a lot of column inches dedicated to the build-up of the cup (I haven't seen the saturday or sunday papers yet) and it seems that this tournament enabled the women's game to get the mainstream attention it deserves.
Hopefully there will be some good coverage of the Solheim Cup in the next GM. Ladies European golf needs all the good coverage it can get to build on their success. More coverage from Sky ? Personally I would prefer to watch a ladies European event, than a mens EuroPro Tour event.
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Watched quite a bit of the SC and for the first time I felt that I could get to know some of the European Ladies and would be interested in following them in televised European Ladies tour comps. The South Koreans bore me - but this bunch of ladies - yes I could take to them.
Watched quite a bit of the SC and for the first time I felt that I could get to know some of the European Ladies and would be interested in following them in televised European Ladies tour comps. The South Koreans bore me - but this bunch of ladies - yes I could take to them.

Quite possibly the most sinister, stalkerish post ever!!!!:D
Well guys it warms a gals heart to hear all the positive comments regarding the Solheim Cup and Ladies golf in general :clap:

The naysayers and those who think the skill level is a joke seem to have gone very quiet. Or perhaps they're just tired after watching every minute of something that makes their eyes bleed :eek:
Aye - but you know what I mean. And I most certainly wouldn't be following Michelle ('Weird') Wie. What a mixed up (to put it nicely) young lady.

The danger of overly ambitious, pushy parents. Many a young Sportsperson has been ruined by the actions of parents. Young Miss Hull looks like a breath of fresh air by comparison. Interesting comment from her Dad recently when asked what marked her out as "special". "from birth she was emotionally flatline". Not sure I would like my parents to say that of me, but I understand his point.
Well guys it warms a gals heart to hear all the positive comments regarding the Solheim Cup and Ladies golf in general :clap:

The naysayers and those who think the skill level is a joke seem to have gone very quiet. Or perhaps they're just tired after watching every minute of something that makes their eyes bleed :eek:

Watched the US amateur - I could not face watching or listening to the first tee pantomime any longer.

Nancy Lopez & Alison Nicholas - embarrassment.

Great win by the European girls though - Charly Hull & Hedwall looked to have played very well.
Watched the US amateur - I could not face watching or listening to the first tee pantomime any longer.

Nancy Lopez & Alison Nicholas - embarrassment.

Great win by the European girls though - Charly Hull & Hedwall looked to have played very well.

was it not Bubba at Medina that kicked that first tee whooping and hollering off? closely emulated by Poulter.......I liked it at medina and in Colorado- refreshing change from the norm
It would be fantastic if sponsors and the media got behind womens golf and made the LET a lot more desirable to play on. It seems that womens golf is still regarded with suspicion and scepticism but the SC team have gone a long way to breaking down barriers and if players like Hull continue to ply their trade in Europe it may grow and grow