I am well aware of the challenges and costs - including the safety risk. None of those need/should prevent 'doing the right thing' though. I don't envisage it happening in my lifetime though!I suspect you have little understanding of the enormous challenges involved in getting a rocket to the sun. The amount of energy required is collosal.
And as someone else pointed out, the launch itself would be a massive safety risk.
It's 'pushed' because it has traditionally been the major contributor to 'renewables'...
I frankly can't see why nuclear is being pushed by the government. By the time any new nuclear power stations can be built, we should have progressed sufficiently with solar/wind plus storage to render nuclear unnecessary. The continued objection of rich nimbys to solar farms and wind turbines is staggering - it's no good protecting the beauty of the countryside if 90% of the population can't afford to keep themselves warm.
Kindly explain why - practical/safety limitations apart, as I already know these exist.I believe you’re familiar with the term, utter twaddle.
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