- I played in a work society on Saturday, first time with the group but I'm an experienced golfer so I presumed we'd be playing by the rules. On the first this idea was reinforced as after I suggested that gimmes would be around 2.5 feet, and that I was happy for one of the group to take a putt.....he got a sound 'no' from one guy, this is a serious game I thought, so by the full rules it must be....,on the forth hole I hit my tshot in the trees, I chose not to play a provisional and scratch the hole, my playing partner hit a provisional after doing the same and we walked up......next hole the guy who didn't want to give gimmes of 2.5 ft lost his ball on a short par 4....he'd hit a good shot and shouldn't have lost the ball, but he did, that's golf. What he did next amazed me, he simply dropped his ball next to the green and said, I'll add a shot.....this I didn't agree with and let him know....either pick up or go back to the tee, what got me mad was that he hadn't mentioned and 'lost ball - drop add1' rule when I or the other guy had lost our balls earlier.....and the guy didn't accept the gimme rule earlier, yet now he was happy to play free and lose with the rulesoupsis it me? Or was he wrong? Obviously the rest of the round was a little tense but and he decided to have a few laughs at my expense with the rest of the groups when we got back in the clubhouse....but I felt he was way out of order....or was I being an idiot?