
Sorry to dig up an old thread but just in case anyone comes across this from searching the site...

I dug my skypro out a few days ago and started to use it again, and there are 2 big improvements from when I originally bought it.

Firstly they have increased the sensitivity of detecting a hit, so now it will register a swing with a half decent scrape on a matt or hitting a practice ball (I have the hard foam ones). Brilliant if you just want 10 minutes in the garden with it rather than going to the range.
A couple of nights ago I was using it to groove consistent length backswings for pitching. Any shorter than straight up at the top of the backswing (12 o'clock) and it displays as 'x' o'clock. I didn't really care about path and angles etc, just swing back and make sure you hit the mat at the bottom and it shows you backswing length.

Secondly it now has a putting mode. I used to have a 3bays gsa and it irked me that they wanted me to buy another device to practice putting. Skypro now does full swing and putting with the same device and app.

Another thing, but I'm not sure if it's new or not as I never really used it much when I originally bought it, is Focus mode.
Just pick 3 measurements and it displays them constantly on the screen in big numbers (much like front, middle and back on a GPS) and updates them after each swing.
This means you can leave your device on the ground outside your swing area and just stand there hitting balls. Even with my shocking eyes and using a phone they are plenty big enough to see without the need to get closer. I admit I'm not as far away as most to start with though. :)