Sick of newbie posts ? Here's another one !!!


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 11, 2008
South west Essex
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Hi all , just thought i'd say hello as there seems to be a glut of newbie threads and i was feeling left out ;)

I've been playing golf on and off for what seems like forever but never seriously. You know those days when you've got nothing else on so you drag out those dust covered 20yr old pinseeker clubs and dig huge lumps out of the hallowed turf , filling the air with expletives and over-the-knee bent shafts :D

Now i've started to become a bit more serious about the game. After an enjoyable but ultimately frustrating round earlier in the year , i've been spending a lot of time down the range and the consistency of my ball striking has improved remarkedly . I've been using the sessions to actually evaluate my swing and try changes instead of just trying to knock the skin off the ball....and i'm very pleased with my progression. Of course , this could all go pear-shaped out on the course but i have high hopes.

I only play Muni/public courses in South-East Essex at the moment ( Belhus/Cranham/Dunton )but we are always looking to expand our horizons - I'm lucky that i have 3 or 4 mates who play .

Anyways , hope to pick up some good tips and have a bit of a natter on here

Natter away, nomadpaul. Improves the typing skills to boot!

...and welcome.

Is this what you tell the boss john? haha

Welcome matey. Is good to hear yo have something to work on at the range. Ever considered a couple of lessons?

We are a big fan of lessons here, for the price of a few pints you will certainly improve your game enough to recoup the beer tokens.

Keep us posted on your progress!