Shots within 50 yards


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Thanks bob I’ll give that a try. I think I try to take little to no diviot so there’s less chance of chunking it and even if a little fat can still get a decent result.

Going by your expectations I’m way off being any good tho so I must find a way to practice more.

I’m going to keep a record of all my chips and try and identify where I’m going most wrong. I think my technique is not bad it’s probably breaking down in A mixture of tempo and speed and length of backswing plus possibly club selection


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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My advice would be, learn how to hit a standard 50 yrd pitch shot.
Get that perfected so which club, which grip position, which lenth of swing.
Then play around with variations for different lengths so 40 club less. 60 yards one club more. Move the grip up and down and see how much difference that makes.
And if you want, write down your distances for each club and carry it with you or tape it to the shafts.
As others have said, it takes practice but it will give you confidence which breeds confidence.
If you don't have the time then just perfect the standard 50 and go from there.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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If your club has a practice ground rather than a range-

Years ago one of my practice drills was to place a flag at 100 yards
Hit ten balls to the flag with a 52 wedge walk forward 10 yards and hit 10 balls to the flag

and other drill was to place the flag at 100 yards
Hit 10 balls at the flag with a 3 iron
Hit 10 balls at the flag with a 4 iron
and so on down through all the irons.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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If your club has a practice ground rather than a range-

Years ago one of my practice drills was to place a flag at 100 yards
Hit ten balls to the flag with a 52 wedge walk forward 10 yards and hit 10 balls to the flag

and other drill was to place the flag at 100 yards
Hit 10 balls at the flag with a 3 iron
Hit 10 balls at the flag with a 4 iron
and so on down through all the irons.

How would this help with chipping? I should maybe have titled the thread 30 yards and in as it’s generally where I think I’m relatively poor in. Certainly not hitting 30 yards to 3-5 feet regularly. Probably on average 10-12 feet then 2 putting a bunch.

And I know you could say putt better from 10 feet but that’s another thread and tour pros only make 30% of those.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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If you have soft grip pressure then your wrist could hinge a bit more, increasing the speed and therefore the spin but not by much I'd guess.
Soft grip pressure is definitely preferable for these short shots
must just be me then, as i've found if i have a very lite gripn it rolls out more and use that for any running shots where if i grip harder i tend to get it to spin more!


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Are you being too harsh on yourself and expecting too much?Also, those who say they are looking to hole from inside 25 yards may be using the equivalent of forum driving distances ?

Looking at the PGA Tour stats for 2020, only 1 person is within 10’ average from inside 100 yards.

One of the things about the stats on the PGA tour and others is to look at how often they take the measurement. Looking at the number of rounds and the number of attempts is very important


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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How would this help with chipping? I should maybe have titled the thread 30 yards and in as it’s generally where I think I’m relatively poor in. Certainly not hitting 30 yards to 3-5 feet regularly. Probably on average 10-12 feet then 2 putting a bunch.

And I know you could say putt better from 10 feet but that’s another thread and tour pros only make 30% of those.

It is just a very good way of practising distance control, which If I understand your OP you are saying is the problem. It does not have to be from 100 yards it can be from 50 downwards. The reason I did it a lot is because I thought it a better way than say hitting 50 balls to exactly the same distance.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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As I said I feel I am relatively good with the clock method pretty much from 100 yards to 40 yards. When it gets lower than this I just think I’m pretty garbage.

Ps regarding how often measurements are taken I’m pretty sure all shots are now recorded on the PGA tour by use of shotlink so is extremely accurate


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Are you being too harsh on yourself and expecting too much?Also, those who say they are looking to hole from inside 25 yards may be using the equivalent of forum driving distances ?

Looking at the PGA Tour stats for 2020, only 1 person is within 10’ average from inside 100 yards.

yeah the more I’ve thought about it even on a 20 yard putt (60 feet) I could only dream of averaging leaving it 3 feet nEver mind chipping (possibly over bunkers or ridges).

I do love my stats so would love to know in handicap brackets how often people get up and down from these distances and also what their leave is in terms of distance but can’t find anything.

I use arccos which has me getting up and down from within 50 yards 25% of the time but that’s pretty vague as groups 10 yard chips in with 50 yard pitches


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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Was going to say chipping but I’d probably say when it gets to 30 yards+ it’s probably a pitch?!?

Anyway I am pretty garbage from this range and it’s where I need to work on... have used 6-8-10 method for chipping with various degree of success but I’d really like the nail down exactly where my weakness is and wondering if there are any scoring programmes devised to evaluate which part(s) of this facet i suck at....

Is it landing spot? Is it trajectory? Is it judging roll out? Or both and so club selection?

Or actually is getting it to 10 feet from 20 yards good and my perception is wrong?

Also a 20 yard low running chip from fairway is different from a short sided 20 yard over a bunker in a scruffy lie so there’s millions of variables

My course is a good course but it doesn’t have a good actual green you can practice chipping on(with proper roll out) so can practice landing point no bother but how ball reacts is another thing. So was thinking if there was some sort of scoring programme could evaluate on course when these shots come up and then at the end say ok I’m pretty good at landing spot but I’m not judging trajectory and roll out any good.

Also are there any books dedicated to only this that would give me better insight/perception on this part of the game. I’m off 14 and feel it’s this part of the game that could get me to single figures.

Kite got himself down from 15% pe to 5% for his short game as measured by pelz. That equates to a 30 yard shot leaving 1.5 yards which is top draw pga pro.
Broady median leaving distance in feet from fairway at 10y 20y 30y for average pro, 80 golfer 90 golfer,100 golfer 4 5 6 6 feet, 5 6 7 10 feet, 6 8 12 16 feet
so 10% ish to under pe average pro
At 80 golfer its 12.5% to 17.5%ish
So at 14 if u get your percentage error to 15% i.e. from 30 yards to 4.5 yards or 12.5 feet u r ahead of the game.

Pelz has short game handicap games where u can work out where you are with his scoring system.

Pelz, utley pretty good short game books for techniqie and info.

Is 6 8 10 just using those clubs?

Rule of 12 for chipping using trajectory over spin to control distance very easy and transferable to different course conditions. Google it but effectively sw ratio roll to carry is 1 to 1, pw 2 to 1 9 iron 3 to 1, 8 iron 4 to 1... Massage it a bit for conditions.

General errors in chipping or pitching come from understanding and technique. Again generallt people dont understand how far the balls roll out and tske a backwing thats too long then get quitty and technical problems arise from a lack of understanding.
Other common errors include flicking or trying to help the ball up often coming from the body slowing down and shooting the hands past if the body is even used at all. Golf clubs have loft and are designed to be presented with hands level or ahead of the clubhead at impact.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I do love my stats so would love to know in handicap brackets how often people get up and down from these distances and also what their leave is in terms of distance but can’t find anything.


On a personal level I had a far better short game as 16 handicap than I did as a 6 handicap. Anything within about 30 yards and particularly green side I was always looking to either get it in or up and down in two. Although the 'get it ins' would probably have been about 1 in 10 at best.

Two reasons - I practiced more as a 16 handicap and I missed more greens in reg so got to hit the shots more often in actual rounds.

I have never been a stats keeper so cannot tell you them but always felt that up down in 2 or better was more often than up and down in 3 or worse. These days it is probably about 40% to 60%


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Kite got himself down from 15% pe to 5% for his short game as measured by pelz. That equates to a 30 yard shot leaving 1.5 yards which is top draw pga pro.
Broady median leaving distance in feet from fairway at 10y 20y 30y for average pro, 80 golfer 90 golfer,100 golfer 4 5 6 6 feet, 5 6 7 10 feet, 6 8 12 16 feet
so 10% ish to under pe average pro
At 80 golfer its 12.5% to 17.5%ish
So at 14 if u get your percentage error to 15% i.e. from 30 yards to 4.5 yards or 12.5 feet u r ahead of the game.

Pelz has short game handicap games where u can work out where you are with his scoring system.

Pelz, utley pretty good short game books for techniqie and info.

Is 6 8 10 just using those clubs?

Rule of 12 for chipping using trajectory over spin to control distance very easy and transferable to different course conditions. Google it but effectively sw ratio roll to carry is 1 to 1, pw 2 to 1 9 iron 3 to 1, 8 iron 4 to 1... Massage it a bit for conditions.

General errors in chipping or pitching come from understanding and technique. Again generallt people dont understand how far the balls roll out and tske a backwing thats too long then get quitty and technical problems arise from a lack of understanding.
Other common errors include flicking or trying to help the ball up often coming from the body slowing down and shooting the hands past if the body is even used at all. Golf clubs have loft and are designed to be presented with hands level or ahead of the clubhead at impact.

Thanks for this. I have broadies book I’ll need to revisit it.

I have just bought James sieckmanns shortbgame book too going to have a look at that.

I had a game today and recorded my shots from 100 yards and in and going by your % thing was at 12.58% over 15 shots but it was skewed somewhere as 2 chips (25 & 30 yards) were duffed giving me a second chip to do which I both stiffed to a foot.

Also confirmed that my longer pitches are relatively good as between 50-100 yards they were all under 10% so it’s the finesse ones that are closer I need to get better with which I already thought so it’s good to now have a benchmark to work off of.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Also sgc001 the 6-8-10 method isn’t just those clubs you adjust accordingly for slope and green speeds but interestingly the ratios are different from what you have.

You have sw as a 1:1 ratio but on 6-8-10 it says PW(10) should be flown halfway and roll the other half, 8 flown 1/3 and 6 is 1/4.

As I said assuming flat normal speed greens and adjust accordingly for downhill/uphill lies with green speed also taken into account.


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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Ok so its ratios too with every other club so your doung that anyway, just work out your own ratio.

Pick a landing zone, mark it out with tee pegs or whatever and chip and see how far it rolls out. Repeat with other clubs.

Move landing zone and recheck

Its useful to minimise spin and use trajectory to control distance to keep roll distances more predictable as the 1st bounce can cause variation and some greens will take spin better than others. If u onlt play 1 course no issue, but if u play others u can get caught out.

Rule of 12 is pretty common

Edit. They say 12 - 1 = 11
12-9 =3 but ratios is easier to remember and see imo.

Edit 2. So technique wise i'm using an extremely shallow to level angle of attack, i'm using the full loft of the club as its designed in relation to the shaft with no extra forward lean at impact and to allow this my ball position is fairly neutral. I like utleys stuff or even bits of gary smiths linear approach as preferences to meet the trajectory led technique i'm using. As indicated though there just preferences and there are nany ways to skin a cat.
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