Shot Scope Accuracy


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Nov 15, 2019
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Just looking to get some opinions and feedback if anyone has had similar frustrations as myself with their Shot Scope and how/if they have managed to resolve the issues. I got my Shot Scope last year and mainly used it solely for the GPS features as I could not get accurate data from the tracking system. Roll into 2022 where I am trying to put major emphasis on effective practice, where the shot scope could help. Since using the tracking features again I have not found any improvements. The issues I get are as below:

Missing Shots​
Pin Position totally incorrect (even though I am taping out at the end of each hole)​
Inaccurate location of shots hit, for instance it may say I had a 10ft putt when in reality it was a 20ft from a different location.​
Inaccurate location of tee off position. For instance today I apparently tee'd off on a medal tee despite being off a winter tee about 75 ft in front.​
Today I had to amend 17/18 holes i played. I am best guessing pin locations and trying to remember shots I played. Is there anyone out there who has had similar experiences and resolved this as at this stage I would say the product is totally pointless.

I would also be very interested to know how people manually track their distance to the pin on greens if they ever do need to amend the data.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2022
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Similar here.
I've just edited today's round - virtually every pin was yards away from its real location, and it had added several putts to a few of the holes.

Strangely, I don't notice any such issues with approach shots. Even using features around the fairways to check where I was, they seem quite accurate. Does make you wonder though, if the pin location is several yards out a lot of the time, maybe everything else is too but its just too hard to identify with accuracy?

I still like the fact that after editing it's giving me useful information about my game compared with different handicaps, but the locations on the green are way off.

I wonder if Arccos users have similar issues? There has to be a limit to GPS accuracy.


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Mar 6, 2022
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Have you spoken with the support team? They are first class.

The tee shots being in the wrong position will be because the winter tees aren't mapped, they will add them to their mapping.
Missing shots, the support team can help identify causes.

I generally have to edit 4 or 5 shots per round, from my understanding depends on GPS quality which can be affected by cloud cover, high trees around the greens and things like that.


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Jan 3, 2021
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I have used Shotscope for the last 2 or 3 years, and generally the issue I have is on the green. I believe the problem is that the L1 satellites are just not accurate enough, and the L5 satellites are not on line atm or something like that.
To get around this, I always make a note of the pin position and walk up to the hole before every 1st putt (unless it's inside 10 feet). I note how many putts I take and whether I am short or long of the hole.
When I'm editing the round I extrapolate the information onto the shotscope app. It does take about 30 minutes per round, but it's worth it if you want accurate putting stats.

As regards tee to green I count no. of shots to the green and whether I hit FIR and GIR. I've never had problems with accuracy of shot length


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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As regards tee to green I count no. of shots to the green and whether I hit FIR and GIR. I've never had problems with accuracy of shot length

Is the same error likely present nonetheless though ? A 700ft drive being recorded as a 675 probably wouldnt catch the eye as incorrect. A 30ft putt recorded as a 5ft putt is clearly wrong and sticks out. But the error is the same.


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2021
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Is the same error likely present nonetheless though ? A 700ft drive being recorded as a 675 probably wouldnt catch the eye as incorrect. A 30ft putt recorded as a 5ft putt is clearly wrong and sticks out. But the error is the same.

Yes and no. The distances are the same, but the percentage accuracy is much better for the drive. Also because drives include roll out, you can't really use the figures to say I hit this club, this far. It depends on ground conditions.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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Just looking to get some opinions and feedback if anyone has had similar frustrations as myself with their Shot Scope and how/if they have managed to resolve the issues. I got my Shot Scope last year and mainly used it solely for the GPS features as I could not get accurate data from the tracking system. Roll into 2022 where I am trying to put major emphasis on effective practice, where the shot scope could help. Since using the tracking features again I have not found any improvements. The issues I get are as below:

Missing Shots​
Pin Position totally incorrect (even though I am taping out at the end of each hole)​
Inaccurate location of shots hit, for instance it may say I had a 10ft putt when in reality it was a 20ft from a different location.​
Inaccurate location of tee off position. For instance today I apparently tee'd off on a medal tee despite being off a winter tee about 75 ft in front.​
Today I had to amend 17/18 holes i played. I am best guessing pin locations and trying to remember shots I played. Is there anyone out there who has had similar experiences and resolved this as at this stage I would say the product is totally pointless.

I would also be very interested to know how people manually track their distance to the pin on greens if they ever do need to amend the data.
I can't recall the last time mine missed a shot but yes the pin location can be a bit iffy at times. It's simply down to GPS not being accurate enough or sometimes Shot Scope have mapped the green wrong and the pin position is moved as Shot Scope think the position you marked isn't part of the green. You can test this yourself the next time you edit, when you move the pin to where it should have been check where Shot Scope thinks it is. On my course I've had to get them to remap 3 greens as when I moved the pins to the location Shot Scope had it down as fairway or rough.

They use Google Maps to map the course and I've had to send them some Bing Maps images instead as the google images where taken when the trees shadows were hiding the tee box/green etc while Bing had a clear image. The customer support is brilliant and they usually have your course remapped by the next day. I even got them to add a Yellow Tee for my course as they only had Black and White, so got them to remove the Black and add Yellow instead.

The tee position inaccuracy is simply because they don't have winter tees mapped. The system knows you are teeing off so moves you to the nearest mapped tee box. You can edit it afterwards yourself if you want.

If you want super accurate distances for your putting and to really annoy your playing partners, you could use the Measure app if you have an iPhone (I'm sure there will be an android equivalent) or you can take a rough guess by counting your steps. I know my normal stride is 2.5 feet (short legs) so on a long putt I'll just count how many steps I take. As long as Shot Scope is close enough to that distance I don't edit it as the putt usually doesn't drop anyway and it's not that big of a deal if the system thinks it was a 34 foot putt instead of 39.

Overall I think the watch is worth the money, I'm happy with mine.


Apr 16, 2018
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I bought a shot scope and stopped using it after about 10 rounds. I got fed up of doing so much post round editing. I found myself thinking about it while I was playing too. Got rid of it in the end wasn’t worth the hassle in my opinion


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I bought a shot scope and stopped using it after about 10 rounds. I got fed up of doing so much post round editing. I found myself thinking about it while I was playing too. Got rid of it in the end wasn’t worth the hassle in my opinion
This was, partly, why I stopped as well.
If you have to edit the shots, even one, then you have to check every single shot ae there's now no guarantee the system has picked up everything..
Life's too short for that in my view.
I also had a problem of GPS signal quality...same issue with Arccos too.
I don't know whether its where we are - on the side of a hill - but even Skycaddies struggle to turn over from hole to hole in certain parts of the course. Mine works perfectly at other courses.
With the trackers the signal would drop and the unit wouldn't pick it back up until you'd missed a hole and a half...
Nice idea but too much hassle for me.


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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I edit every round and it takes me around 5 mins on the laptop.
Have to move the pin most of the time but interestingly my recent rounds in Portugal the pin position was far more accurate, played under clear skies ?


Oct 20, 2020
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I kept forgetting to tap out at the hole. Then I lost a couple of the tags, so I stopped using it.
Seemed pretty accurate, might start again this season.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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Just replying to this thread so that next time the Shot Scope data is used as a discussion point in a debate on strokes gained, without questioning the reliability of the GPS data, I might be able to find it. ?

On a serious note, this is the problem with consumer GPS, it is always going to have varying precision. It’s mostly good to within a number of yards but setting the expectation of constant precision to feet and inches is fantasy.

I tried using GPS tracking of my golf a couple of years ago but the constant editing of rounds was incredibly unsatisfying.


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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I had 1 for Christmas, played 2 rounds with it, the 2nd had issues with it picking up the course/gps, took it back to AG and got my money back. Too much effort during and post round, doesn’t track your score etc. I’m currently trialling the Taylormade free app, if that’s no good I’ll go back to hole19.


New member
Feb 18, 2022
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i find if you make a real effort with the ShotScope (currently V3) by ensuring you take a number of practise strokes - it ends up a lot more reliable. This includes putting.
I find the data you get from the stats to be really beneficial and outweigh any small adjustments you need to make .


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2021
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i find if you make a real effort with the ShotScope (currently V3) by ensuring you take a number of practise strokes - it ends up a lot more reliable. This includes putting.
I find the data you get from the stats to be really beneficial and outweigh any small adjustments you need to make .

I agree. You get out of it as much as you put in. For some people it just doesn't suit them. Personally I have no issues with it, and I quite like the editing, but I understand why people decide it's not for them.