Short irons


Sep 2, 2015
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Hi guys. I'm relatively new to the game I started in March this year. Strangely, I seem to have no issues hitting the longer clubs in the bag. I'm happy with the way I hit anything between a 3-7 iron given my current ability. My main problem often comes with my 8-PW. More often than not I'm hitting the turf about 1-2 inches behind the ball and it's going nowhere. I played last week and changed the way I address the ball after being given some tips. This worked and shaved about 10 shots off my average score. But I went back out yesterday and the same problems started again. Is this issue likely to be with the way I'm addressing the ball or an issue with my swing? Any help is much appreciated.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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as said above weight needs to be into the lead side before impact

what you may be/may not be doing at set-up
plus how the club goes upto the top can then have a real big influence into what does/doesn't happen into the ball

if the longer stuff is kinda going okay shorter stuff not so good - one thing to maybes consider longer clubs are built with little ways flatter lie so if the swing arc is flatter even under plane into the ball - you can then with the longer clubs get aways some with this ways shallower swing arc

in the takeback it's also real important that the lower & upper body don't move laterally to the trailside - more a feeling of staying more centered, trail glute rotates behind, trail shoulder/chest rotates behind as the arms & club move up - the trail arm bending at the elbow takes the hands atop the trail shoulder not back of it

the shorter irons, with short shafts & a little ways more upright lie build the swing then needs more of an element of 'down' to the ball in it & less around - this doesn't mean super steep & chop down tho

both the above normally taken care of at set-up, because of shaft length club built lie & ball position rather than a ways conscious different swing type

you mention getting advice about set-up - this anything to do with the distance you were standing from the ball? & maybes with ball position?

for instance standing little ways too far from the ball can give the swing motion to much of 'around' the body & not enough of the 'up' in the backswing
with this sometimes it can cause the hands/wrists to roll over to send the club back flatter & not setting the hands/club shaft 'up' with the thumbs setting more to the sky in the backswing

distance from the ball with all clubs - if it maybes it is an issue - is easier to get in better shape if the butt end of the handle & left hand pinky distance from the player is the 'measurement' plus the sequence in which the set-up occurs

by that player holding the club first bends from the hips far enough so the arms can hang vertically from the shoulders - which will put the hands both more or less directly under the chin & with the lead hand on the handle the player would have enough 'room' to place the right hand in a 'fist' with half a thumb protruding in-between the top of the handle & the inside of the lead thigh

then add just a little flex to the knees (if legs were locked straight just 'unlocking' the knees would give a good amount of flex)

most folks issues for sure start off with how the handle is held within the hands (often times wrongly a ways too much in the upper palms as it seems as if thats how to deliver 'power') & also with the set-up posture at address

as you just started off taking some time with Pro guidance on the grip, posture & alignment with regular check-ups along the ways will save a whole heap of angst for sure


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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Hi. I was going through this a while back and if it's any help I can share the advice that the pro gave me.

To help you learn the skill you need, start with your PW and stand comfortably with feet not too far apart and ball in the middle of your stance, having placed your golf towel on the ground about 4 inches behind the ball. Now a medium length swings and try and nip the ball without hitting the towel. This helped teach me the feel of ball then ground contact with a descending strike.