Second hand trolley advice


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Jan 8, 2023
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I’m going to look at a second hand Motocaddy m5 with DHC tonight to make an offer.

Other than checking the wheels turn, it folds and the screen work, does anyone have anything else to suggest checking?

I was going to lift the trolley up and set the speed from 1 to 9 for 10 minutes whilst I chat with the guy to listen out for nasty noises.

Any advice is very welcome, as long as it isn’t to buy new or choose another brand :)
Some models, I don't know if this has, have a total lifetime distance travelled, it may help you in making your decision regarding how much use it has had.
How old is the battery and does it still last 18/27/36/whatever holes it's supposed to. A new lithium battery is a big expense.
I agree, give the battery a quick check too. I've bought a second-hand Motocaddy with no issues. I checked the condition of the frame, made sure all attachments were there and functioning well, tire tread, general wear and tear. It's good that you're checking how it responds to speed adjustments.