Searching for balls

I should add, I meant declaring a lost ball after playing a provisional ball to a more preferable place.
I get that this is a debate which could result in a 10 pager 😂
You can say that you don't want to look for the first one. But anyone can go and look and if they find a ball you have to identify it and if it's yours play it.
Once again I think it's common courtesy to not go and look for a ball of the player has asked for there to not be a search.
I wouldn't expect anyone to go looking for mine if I've made it clear I don't want to find it.
While on the subject of searching for balls.
Can you declare a ball lost in matchplay without searching. The same as you would in a medal if you are in the cabbage and you just want to keep play moving??

Short answer is no, you can't declare it lost - either in match play or stroke play.

That's is, you can't make it lost just by saying so. You can make it lost by carrying out an action that causes it to be lost according to the rules. Quickest way is to play another, non-provisional, ball - or get to your provisional quickly, and play it from a place nearer the hole than your missing/unwanted original.
Short answer is no, you can't declare it lost - either in match play or stroke play.

That's is, you can't make it lost just by saying so. You can make it lost by carrying out an action that causes it to be lost according to the rules. Quickest way is to play another, non-provisional, ball - or get to your provisional quickly, and play it from a place nearer the hole than your missing/unwanted original.
Surely the quickest way to ensure the original is not counted, irrespective of whether its then found is to simply hit another ball without declaring it a provisional and making it the ball in play. There are a few at our place that even if you say don't look will always pipe up "I'll have a quick look anyway and see if I can find any others". Then leads to a debate on pace of play, etiquette etc and repeats every few weeks when they do it again. I wouldn't mind but look in their bags and they must be carrying 40 balls around with them
Surely the quickest way to ensure the original is not counted, irrespective of whether its then found is to simply hit another ball without declaring it a provisional and making it the ball in play. There are a few at our place that even if you say don't look will always pipe up "I'll have a quick look anyway and see if I can find any others". Then leads to a debate on pace of play, etiquette etc and repeats every few weeks when they do it again. I wouldn't mind but look in their bags and they must be carrying 40 balls around with them

and the reason that they have 40 balls in their bag is that they go and "have a quick look anyway and see if I can find any others".

I had recent occasion in a major club comp to hit a stonking Lucy Locket. I saw roughly where it went - but was sure as eggs is eggs did not really want to have to lay it.

My instinct was just to put another ball in play and so I could then just go and find my first ball on the way past. But such is my addiction to the LLs that of course there was a distinct risk I'd do the same with a new ball - and into a much worse place.

So I played a provisional

And it was good.

And as I walked down the fairway ignoring my first ball and not looking in it's direction whatsoever - saying - I'll not bother with my first ball , another player in my group pipes up - I think I can see a ball...

And I have to go and check it

And it was my original ball

And it was in a nightmare of a position

And so I had to play that ball

And I racked up a quad bogey when a double was likely outcome with my second...:(