Save My Sanity!


Club Champion
Mar 12, 2010
Bidford on Avon
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Can anyone help?

I used to slice my drives, cost me yardage, annoying, but predictable.

Through hard work some lessons and useful GM advice I got rid of this common affliction but now I have started pulling everything left....which is worse as with the draw spin the ball goes further!

One week everything heads left into trees or golfers on the parralel fairway, the following week fine, the next week it's off we go again. It's driving me (sorry) nuts as I stand over the ball and have no clue whether this will be a straight one or not. At least before I knew it was heading high and right.

The only plus is that when I do manage to hit a good one, it's very good (by my standards), far further than I ever managed before with a pleasing draw shape.

Anyone got an idea of what I could be doing wrong?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Seems like you are not controling the swingpath direction. Your pulls will be when you are swinging left and straight when you are swinging to target. It will probably be an alignment problem.