Ryder Farce tickets


Tour Rookie
Jan 29, 2013
North Berwick
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The whole thing's a nonsense. I can understand someone applying for four tickets only getting allocated 2 but going for 2 and getting 1 .... with no option to then refuse it?

Really sad thing is, and I'm sure I won't be alone in this, having long looked forward to the RC coming to Scotland I ended up not even bothering to apply for tickets due to all the hassle and bureaucracy attached to it.

... and me three


Tour Rookie
Jan 6, 2014
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Me and missus have decided against going too, was tempted to apply when I got the email the other day but when you add up petrol, digs, food and of course tickets we are looking at stupid money!

so we have decided to watch the open in scouseland and the women's open in southport instead, in fact the women's open tickets were only about £15 too :)


Assistant Pro
Nov 5, 2013
Plymouth, Devon
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Most sports have/had similar restrictions - football tickets used to explicitly ban cameras - harder to do nowadays with phones having cameras.

Are phones allowed in? - I know they were at the Dunhill but I'm sure they were banned at the Open/Ryder Cup in the past.

How would they deal with that then? Would you have to leave your mobile in a box at the gate? Would they take responsibility if it disappeared? Or would they just not let you in just because you had a mobile with you even though you had a valid ticket?

Deleted member 15344

Mobiles were supposed to be banned from Celtic Manor in 2010 but everyone took one in but were warned any "improper use" ie ringing when play was going on or taking pics etc and the phone would be confiscated


Assistant Pro
Nov 5, 2013
Plymouth, Devon
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Mobiles were supposed to be banned from Celtic Manor in 2010 but everyone took one in but were warned any "improper use" ie ringing when play was going on or taking pics etc and the phone would be confiscated

I suppose it's only common sense courtesy that you switch it to vibrate or silent. I don't think players would be impressed if someone's mobile went off at the precise moment they were swinging. Don't see how they would have the authority to confiscate your 'phone though and they also wouldn't have the authority to demand you delete any photos you'd taken. Even a copper can't do that. All they could do is ask you to leave and get their heavies to escort you out.
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Deleted member 15344

I suppose it's only common sense courtesy that you switch it to vibrate or silent. I don't think players would be impressed if someone's mobile went off at the precise moment they were swinging. Don't see how they would have the authority to confiscate your 'phone though. All they could do is ask you to leave and get their heavies to escort you out.

If its in their T&C's that you agree to then they would have the authority


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I know there has been numerous posts regarding the ridiculous rules they have surrounding the Ryder Cup tickets.

I can see the reason behind rules to prevent the touts taking over and over inflating prices but the rules are to the detriment of the normal golf enthusiast and public.

Here's my situation, went into the long process ballot and requested 2 tickets for Saturday so I could take my 7 year old (unlike the R&A Open etc where children go free a 7 yr old has to pay). Received an email in August saying you have been successful and allocated the tickets below (it just gives a ref number, the day and my name as the purchaser, and the fact they have taken payment).
All is well with the world- been planning making it a trip to remember for my son.

Decided to call today and check when tickets actually come out- ticket company tells me I was only allocated one ticket!!!!!! :angry:

Don't want to go without my son, cant get a refund (surely they should refund and re-sell to others desperate for a ticket) cant give it away free to a friend or family member even if I was sick or left the country!!

In their efforts to 'protect' tickets they are alienating the very people they are trying to encourage.

I'm sure there is some rule to protect you as a consumer.

For example, you entered into a sale agreemeñt based on you receiving two tickets.
You was never advised of the quantity change before being charged therefore your agreement is breeched and void. I would kick up a stink demanding ticket number two for your son or get the bank to reverse the payment in order to get the fee of one ticket back ;)

Deleted member 15344

Rubbish! Only a copper has the authority and legal power to confiscate your property.

And guess what they had around Celtic Manor - thats right - coppers. And peoples phones werent "confiscated" as such - people were told to put them in a secure box ( near the entrance ) give them the key and pick the phone on the way out. Thankfully it wasnt a major deal and 99% of people understood - well apart from when Gmac sunk the putt and flashes were going off all over the place.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 10, 2010
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Mobiles were supposed to be banned from Celtic Manor in 2010 but everyone took one in but were warned any "improper use" ie ringing when play was going on or taking pics etc and the phone would be confiscated

When I went phones were banned, even on practice days.

You couldn't even sneak one in because you had to go through metal detectors,you had to leave it at the gate and were given a raffle ticket to hand back in to collect it.


Aug 5, 2011
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Had a reply from the official ticket company. Not good.

Apparently a "significant number......would now like to transfer or refund their ticket(s)."it is near on impossible for us to judge these reason and decide where we should make an exception and where to stand firm" "It is for that very reason that we have devised and published these terms and conditions from the outset."

They go on to state other major sporting events adopt similar or the same policy as they do.

so that's that then! I've made a financial contribution to the Ryder Cup out of my hard earned cash and I won't be there, maybe the 'significant number' won't be there either, maybe that's their ultimate plan to reduce numbers but still have the massive income, who knows.


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2009
Wroclaw, Poland
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Had a reply from the official ticket company. Not good.

Apparently a "significant number......would now like to transfer or refund their ticket(s)."it is near on impossible for us to judge these reason and decide where we should make an exception and where to stand firm" "It is for that very reason that we have devised and published these terms and conditions from the outset."

They go on to state other major sporting events adopt similar or the same policy as they do.

so that's that then! I've made a financial contribution to the Ryder Cup out of my hard earned cash and I won't be there, maybe the 'significant number' won't be there either, maybe that's their ultimate plan to reduce numbers but still have the massive income, who knows.

Just out of interest what have they done to prevent you selling the ticket on?


Tour Rookie
Dec 18, 2009
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Almost everything you buy is the same these days, the small print covers their butt for everything, really holed the country woukd have learned it's lesson after the fiasco at the Olympics with empty stands due to rediculous ticketing procedures.
To not be able to refund people's money is legal theft, they could have set dates for it and such like. There's still 6 months to go!!!

Phones are barred full stop at the masters, you have to go through a metal detector and you either get the choice of trekking back to your car with it or paying for a locker, either way it's DEFINITLEY not going in.

LUFC 1972

Head Pro
Nov 17, 2012
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Went to Celtic Manor to watch a practice day .. found it so boring except Bubba hitting a driver into the 18th .. then decided to go to Open at Royal St Georges on the final day should have learned that its not a great spectator experience, we left early afternoon and watched Clarkey win in the pub and then played 9 holes so much better.. would rather pay to watch cricket or football


Aug 5, 2011
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Just out of interest what have they done to prevent you selling the ticket on?

My understanding is the tickets will have your photo on it and if it doesn't match then you won't get in

as above.

They have also said that they will ask someone to leave if they hold a ticket without their photo ID:eek:

so lets say I bought tickets for myself and family, then I was sick and couldnt go, are they seriously saying the family couldnt go either as I wasnt there with them. They cannot be serious.

The whole thing is just infuriating me with its blinkered nonsensical approach and the paying patron at the lowest point in the list of priorities:angry:


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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If I had paid my money and took photos needless to say I wouldn't be following their rules :D

Sound worse than the Nazis these lot!

Just going back to this thread... I think the logic they use is that you paid money for admittance to view as a spectator and you haven't paid to record/film or photograph
(guessing such a ticket, if it existed, would no doubt cost significantly more than spectate version)

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Just going back to this thread... I think the logic they use is that you paid money for admittance to view as a spectator and you haven't paid to record/film or photograph
(guessing such a ticket, if it existed, would no doubt cost significantly more than spectate version)

But again I would suspect you could only do that if you were intending to use the photographs for commercial purposes? i.e. then you have to get a photographers official ticket.