RG returns....with blister....argh...


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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I went out today for my first proper solo practice game since getting ill nearly two months ago. I had little expectation, just to go and hit it, hit it again and see what comes.
I was going along very nicely (typical pars and bogeys stuff) until I started to get a blister feeling on my glove hand about an inch beneath my little finger. I struggled on until the 14th (approx. 8 over par) but had to stop because I couldn't hold a club properly anymore. I've had this in the past, but normally I play regularly enough to get some tough skin in this place. Should I be worried or just get back into things ignoring this?

PS....I pulled half my drives pretty badly, but everything else was remarkably straight??? Never had this before....normally my shape for the day affects all the shots?
I think my grip is postioned ok.....but I do think I probably "let go" a bit at the top of the swing. It's not an out and out blister as yet, thank goodness.

(PS - I'm over at your's next month....how's the course....bet it's top notch....)
You aren't a proper golfer until the callouses have formed (only joking before anyone takes exception). Your hands have just becoe unconditioned to hitting practice balls and playing. Give it a few rounds and two good range sessions and you will be back to normal.

I find if my hands blister a good rub with surgical spirit (providing it hasn't burst or we'll be pulling you down from stratosphere - boy does it burn on broken skin) helps to firm the skin back up
I find if my hands blister a good rub with surgical spirit (providing it hasn't burst or we'll be pulling you down from stratosphere - boy does it burn on broken skin) helps to firm the skin back up

Good tip mate. We used the same technique on the soles of our feet when going on Exped on Dartmoor/Bodmin moor when i was in the Navy . It toughened them up no end !!!
My hands have lovely hard patches now (look like workmans hands even if I just a pen pusher!). I always give my heels and the toes a wipe for a couple days before buying new golf shoes and touch wood haven't had a blister from new shoes (work or golf) for years
Pah, I have had my fair share of blisters maching over dartmoor and woodbury common, once they heel, the skin grows tougher! I have feet like leather! Hoping my hands will be the same!
Where I have slightly altered my grip recently I am getting a small blister at the bottom of my ring finger as my hands are not used to it, really is annoying me. I am going to try and play with it tonight though and see how I get on. Dave is your glove slightly worn in that area and as such not offering much protection? Just a thought.
My glove was/is worn in the affected area. I tried a new one at the range tonight.....the problem remains.....and the full-scale blister is getting closer.

I hope that a days rest will allow me to play 18 on Sunday...
Just as a follow up. I did a bit of revision (pulled out my Faldo/Leadbetter books and general golf books) and it's pretty safe to say that I was beginning to hold the club too much in the fingers. I am now laying the club directly "on" the blister area and it seems much more comfy.
Looking at the Faldo stuff, he recommends a place for the grip (L.H.) that essentialy settles on the sewn-in patch on my new glove. I think I knew this, but as the glove I've just finished with (ripped) didn't have a sewn-in patch, I think I was gradually moving the club grip closer and closer to the base of my little finger. Hence the blister and some tension cocking the wrist - I reckon.