

Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Our black members accept is as someone who is too old to change and ignorant rather than him being a racist. That’s a wider debate though

I wonder if that is how they actually feel about it? Has anyone asked? It is usually putting up with it in order to fit it. It's blooming sad they have to put up with it, and that other members allow it to continue.

I haven't heard it in my own golf club... other than anti English stuff which apparently doesn't count! Being on the receiving end of it, it is pretty clear what is "leg pulling" and what is "deliberately unpleasant." Maybe your example above is seen as the former. But I am sure colour of skin based abuse cuts deeper than which corner of the UK you hail from.

As for my own club, you could count the number of non white members on one hand. Maybe that is a reflection on the area which isn't very diverse to start with.

I remember the chants on football terraces in the 1970s. We've thankfully moved on miles from there, but that isnt a reason to be complacent.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I have to say that being an Englishman living in Scotland I get a bit of banter with my playing partners but I just say someone has to come up to look after the colonies ;). Some may say that is racist but in all honesty I have never encountered an issue about an being English in Scotland.
My Father-in-Law is a staunch Rangers supporter and to this day doesn't know I was raised Catholic. I haven't said anything as it doesn't bother me and I've seen too many issues caused by Bigotry.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the terrible, systemic, and unaddressed issues that we gingers face (OK, I call my hair colour strawberry blonde with ash blonde highlights - aka ginger going grey) but we can't help our hair colour. We should not be punished for it. :(;) (before someone gets on their high horse, this is just a joke and is not meant to belittle the racism that has plagued society for centuries).
lets hope he does not read this then dear boy:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


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Jun 10, 2020
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We have had a fair few from the old chap who runs our Saturday knock. It will be a poor taste joke directed at one of our black members. Also uses words that are not acceptable now but he has probably used all his life. He has been booed or jeered when they have come up but none of us have ever taken him to one side to try to educate. Our black members accept is as someone who is too old to change and ignorant rather than him being a racist. That’s a wider debate though

Thanks for this. Racism is not acceptable at any age - no excuses!


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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My thoughts go back to 16th January 1984 as I stood in a little huddle with my parents by the train standing at Platform 1 of Glasgow Central Station.

None of the three of us wishing to show any emotion over me leaving home - heading to Bristol for my first job - and life away from home for the first time as back then the majority of Scots students lived at home. There were no tears then, and I don't recall any hugs or pecks on the cheek (we just didn't). Just a couple of very stoic and undemonstrative 50yr old Scots parents wishing their wee boy all the best.

See you soon...you'll be fine...we'll call this evening - was the message. Then my Dad looked at me, smiled and said - '...you'll probably get married to a black, English, Catholic...'

He was of course joking - but it was a little joke rooted in their deep Hebridean and Highland Scots protestant upbringing, and their having lived through the 40s to 80s in a Scotland in which, until the 1970s they knew few English (never mind 'foreigners'), and only in latter decades experienced the arrival of a very small ethnic minority Pakistani community - and of course we are Protestant...

Do I consider my parents were racist? Of course not. Bigoted? No. But in some things their attitudes were so rooted in their past - and they did occasionally say little things that I would pull them up on - and they would look at me almost curiously - understanding why but being rather irritated with me at being pulled up for something that they really didn't consider that terrible. Changed times - thankfully. Though as my folks have gone I rather wish I was still able to remind them of their minor transgressions of the past - and I know that they would - today - get it :)

But not all have - yet.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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It always amuses me when Scots complain about the tight fisted label as the Scots themselves have a sub-set about Aberdonians being tight fisted. Harry Lauder has a lot to answer for.
It is also interesting to see the general terms for Scots, Irish and Welsh being applied but the only thing that seems to apply to England is that they are 'shopkeepers'.:unsure:

Agree that bigotry seems to be a bigger issue than racism in Scotland.
You mean like my brother - now steeped in the the Aberdonian stereotype that says "well if I cannae tak it wi me - a'm no goin'" :)

In any case - if you haven't very much then you don't chuck it around.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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yes just military banter when he was serving queen and country, i'm sure it goes on all the time and newspapers just love a front page headline
I must have served in a different military then, because trust me anyone being caught using that word or any racial slur would have been in front of the CSM and faced hell of a disciplinary.


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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I am white, my wife Indian and over time I have just grown to accept that there will be some people that will just not like you. We’ve had comments from all race’s who have a dislike of mixed race couples.
The world needs more couples like you and your wife. I realise it would take a long time, but ultimately one way to eliminate racism would be to eliminate races.
(BTW, have you noticed that mixed race people tend to be very attractive? I think it's human instinct to recognise that genetic mixing is good for the species).

It's not going to happen, of course. And yes, I do appreciate the irony that it would effectively be a form of eugenics.

Deleted Member 1156

I hope that's supposed to be a joke.
If not, you've utterly twisted my point, and I will have to invoke Godwin's law.
I took it as a joke, pretty sure that was the intention.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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The world needs more couples like you and your wife. I realise it would take a long time, but ultimately one way to eliminate racism would be to eliminate races.
(BTW, have you noticed that mixed race people tend to be very attractive? I think it's human instinct to recognise that genetic mixing is good for the species).

It's not going to happen, of course. And yes, I do appreciate the irony that it would effectively be a form of eugenics.
I don’t think that it would make any difference long term.
We would just end up with a worldwide caste system. The worst sort of racism imo.
It’s human nature that needs to change.