Tour Winner
Goodness knows where Sidcup GC got that from. It does not appear on their website. But I notice it includes the following:-I got it here:
Quote: All golfers will be provided with a HANDICAP INDEX (HI) when the WHS comes into operation. This handicap index (HI) will be calculated from the player’s best 8 differentials of his/her last 20 rounds multiplied by 96%, and will be shown to one decimal point.
This seems to equate to my HI. If I take an average of my counting Score Diffs it comes out 0.7 higher than my HI. When multiplied by 96% it comes out right.
I am guessing this is to calculate your first HI and then after this it’s simply an average of your best 8 Score Differentials from your last 20?
"Players will be able to see their expected Transition Handicap on screen when the handicapping software is updated in Spring 2019. Players are encouraged to submit plenty of scores between now and 2020 ..........."
There is no mention of 96% in the table for determining an initial Index (Rule 5.2)
I wonder if you have not allowed for the fact that the transition software did not allow for the possible difference between SSS and CSS.
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