Push Fade


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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If the swing path was 5 degrees out to in to the target and the club face was open 10 degrees to the target, what would you expect the ball flight to be ?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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If the swing path was 5 degrees out to in to the target and the club face was open 10 degrees to the target, what would you expect the ball flight to be ?

would it be a left to right pull fade bob?
Im no expert and have little knowledge of the swing but i always thought that with an out to in swing path then you'll be pulling the ball left to right.
And with the in to out path you'd be pushing the ball


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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would it be a left to right pull fade bob?
Im no expert and have little knowledge of the swing but i always thought that with an out to in swing path then you'll be pulling the ball left to right.
And with the in to out path you'd be pushing the ball

If the clubface is pointing 10 degrees right of the target at impact, I would expect to see the ball start right of the target even with an out to in swing


Ohhh I love it, we are all like "I am not pro but..."

I hope someone is actually helping the OP in PMs as he is not asking how to hit a draw, he is asking how to control his a push fade with his driver. I am not sure he is wanting to guess either...

All I know is my manhood is bigger than yours.. Im just crap at golf ;)


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I hope someone is actually helping the OP in PMs as he is not asking how to hit a draw, he is asking how to control his a push fade with his driver. I am not sure he is wanting to guess either...

As I said
I dont want to get too involved in S&T problems so I suggest you ask James

And his reply was

Cheese?..... Eleven? Is this a test? Frimley-on-Thames?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Ohhh I love it, we are all like "I am not pro but..."

I hope someone is actually helping the OP in PMs as he is not asking how to hit a draw, he is asking how to control his a push fade with his driver. I am not sure he is wanting to guess either...

All I know is my manhood is bigger than yours.. Im just crap at golf ;)

And i wasnt arguing with Bob......Im just curious to know the right answer to the OP's question.....A
nd my own really......

I think that there are far too many people on here trying to make the game harder than it has to be......And i dont care who you are...There is no one capable of hitting the exact same shot twice in a row with the same path,face angle, strength, and height....
Look at James reply about Tiger woods last weekend and yet the commentators were saying he sliced the ball....Yet the OP doesnt want to aim more left than he already was for fear he'll be told he's slicing the ball.....

Also all the replies about degree's of clubface being open or closed im not sure is really helping anyone (no disrespect to Bob or anyone else) but just by looking at my clubhead at address im not sure i could actually tell the difference between 5,10, or 15 degrees either side of zero......


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I would suggest a 'Fade" would be a better shot for you. You need to close down the difference between your clubface direction and swingpath direction at impact. When you have done this then its just a matter of alignment.

Rather than over-thinking this try imagine a nail tacked into your ball at address and you want to swing the clubface into the nail so it gets driven right through the ball. If you were driving a nail into a door frame with a hammer you would'nt swing out to in or in to out or have the hammer face open at impact.

I think I gave some fairly sound advice.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
As I said

I dont want to get too involved in S&T problems so I suggest you ask James

I don't know what S&T has got to do with ballflight Bob? Are there different sets of impact conditions for each swing type???? There was me thinking the ball only reacts to the contact NOT the swing method ;-)

Closing the clubface a little will start the ball less to the right and reduce the differential between path and clubface so it will also curve less to the right. Chances are you are allowing the clubface to fan open a little through impact in an effort to 'get the curve' rather than letting physics take care of it (laying off the club or dropping the right shoulder through impact) Perhaps focus on the thought/feeling of allowing the toe of the club to get to (or past) the heel. If you overdo it though you'll start drawing/hooking.
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Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I don't know what S&T has got to do with ballflight Bob? Are there different sets of impact conditions for each swing type????

No, but you may have a different method of stopping the clubface from pointing way open at impact.
I'm thinking of the tilting hips to flatten out the angle of attack, therefor dropping the club more on plane which in turn stops the out to in swing


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
No, but you may have a different method of stopping the clubface from pointing way open at impact.
I'm thinking of the tilting hips to flatten out the angle of attack, therefor dropping the club more on plane which in turn stops the out to in swing

Can't be sure of an out-to-in swing though... his path may be +2 degrees out with a clubface at +4 out (or more). The face is clearly more open (too much?) than the path though. Easier to address the clubface than the path as he can still get his fade even if he is 1,2,3 OTT.

Might as well add.... never like the ball TOO far forward with driver as the path tends to be returning back to the inside by the time it gets to the ball adding to potential clubface/path differentials. As with these things if you don't know whether the alignment is correct then it's a 'best guess' scenario. I would always stand nicely open to PUSH the ball..... it's SUPPOSED to start to the right ;-) To a degree it's like standing open then hitting a huge block shot as hard as you can swing :)
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I don't know what S&T has got to do with ballflight Bob? Are there different sets of impact conditions for each swing type???? There was me thinking the ball only reacts to the contact NOT the swing method ;-)

Closing the clubface a little will start the ball less to the right and reduce the differential between path and clubface so it will also curve less to the right. Chances are you are allowing the clubface to fan open a little through impact in an effort to 'get the curve' rather than letting physics take care of it (laying off the club or dropping the right shoulder through impact) Perhaps focus on the thought/feeling of allowing the toe of the club to get to (or past) the heel. If you overdo it though you'll start drawing/hooking.

He shoots he scores! Ok now I have hot over myself...

Kid and anyone else, I was not trying to be rude I was kinda being glib and silly and maybe have a little fun with bob and James, though they are having all the fun of the fair already. I was also taking the piss out of myself as much as anyone.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I'd suggest a 'concept' for hitting the push-fade would be to line up NICELY to the left and try to hit balls dead straight to the left rough about 200yds up the fairway. If you can achieve that then all you have to do is open the face a couple of degrees and swing away as hard as you can.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Can't be sure of an out-to-in swing though... his path may be +2 degrees out with a clubface at +4 out (or more). The face is clearly more open (too much?) than the path though. Easier to address the clubface than the path as he can still get his fade even if he is 1,2,3 OTT.

Which is what me and Gareth agreed on in post 31 without any other input from the other experts


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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He shoots he scores! Ok now I have hot over myself...

Kid and anyone else, I was not trying to be rude I was kinda being glib and silly and maybe have a little fun with bob and James, though they are having all the fun of the fair already. I was also taking the piss out of myself as much as anyone.

I know you weren't Al....No harm done Pal....

What i was getting at is that when i hit a push fade i always align myself left of the destination we'll say and swing in my normal manner in to in.....
Thats why i found it odd that someone was able to hit a push fade with an out to in swingpath....Whatever works for people....But the point that i was trying to make to the OP was that if he is hitting a Push fade as he says and had his desired movement but it was a little too far right) then why not just rotate everything(feet,hips,shoulders,and clubface just bit by bit to the left until he hits the ball to his destination.......
Seems simple enough to me....And i wouldnt call anyone a hacker for aiming left.....Iv sailed past people with my push fade drives(when i hit them properly) that are hitting draws off the tee.....

I know that Foxholer phrased some would say that aiming left is the way to a hackers slice.....But i aim left at times and i wouldn't say im a hacker!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Really! So closing down the difference between his clubface and swingpath at impact wont start the ball straighter and allow him to hit a fade?

But you started by saying

I would suggest a 'Fade" would be a better shot for you.

And then you finished by telling him how to hit it straight


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Apologies for asking again if this has already been asked in this thread - but what happens if you use a 3-wood rather than a driver for the same tee shots? If it still fades - then I'd suggest that you put away your driver until you can fairly consistently hit your 3-wood 'straight' (the nice side effect of this approach is that your score will come down even if you still fade the ball with your 3-wood).

I know zilch about the golf swing and am a hopeless helping others. However I draw the ball - and I know that I 'push' the ball if I 'overswing', and by 'overswing' I mean that when swinging the club I am thinking about taking the club back further than I normally would - usually if I am playing well and want to 'give it a bit more'. So logical conclusion to this line of thought is that you might also try (with a 3-wood) thinking that you are only going to use a 3/4 swing - and see what happens.
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