Pull Hook(I think)?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Afternoon all,
Played this morning (Stableford) and even though i enjoyed it reflecting back i could have came away with way more.....
I had 8 pars 3 bogies 2 doubles and the bain of my round 5 scratches....After that lot i came away with 32 points.....of the 8 pars i lipped the hole 5 times to leave myself at worst 12 inch's from the hole......Putting was very good but whats causing destruction in
my round is what i think is a pull hook.....All off the tee's.....After that im struggling to get anything from the hole hitting 3 off the tee's........ I had a chat with our shop pro who plays off 1 and he said that im probably coming over the top on the downswing caused by my right elbow not being tucked in......

Has anyone any good drills for this and is it an accurate measure of why im hitting the ball left....Anytime i tee up after the bad shot its straight down the middle of the fairway with my provisional... :D
I know that i have the game but my tee shots are wrecking what could be great cards!


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I think the only way you'll get any accurate advice on here is to put a video up. It could be one of several faults.

But my problem is it only creeps in about 5 times in a round Homer and i dont exactly know when.Its always on a tee shot....Never off a Fairway..Whats really bugging me is that when it does happen the following shot is perfect....Goes exactly where i want it to go.


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 5, 2008
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m8, try clearing your hips, as you may be getting stuck from the top of your swing. swingthought- at top of backswing, try and get your left bum cheek going behind you(out of the way).
This allows you to bring the club back to square.
Also you may be pulling the club inside, more width required on the backswing(make sure hands are not pulling inside the line of the feet).
these two faults together could also cause the pull hook


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Now here's a topic I know well. This shot killed me for about 6 weeks.

It's unlikely it's just that you're coming over the top. More likely you're not clearing your hips properly as has already been said but there are a number of possible causes. Check that you're staying connected, you're not straightening your right leg on the backswing and that you're keeping the coil in your swing by not allowing your left heal to come off the floor.

Don't be fooled by the fact that it's only 5 swings a round. It's possible that you are compensating for the fault and getting away with it, plus it is exaggerated more with longer clubs so would explain why it is on tee shots. You sound like you've got exactly the problem I had, If I could get the ball in play off the tee I would score well but I found myself playing 3 off the tee about 6 times a round (or more when we played Ascot)

My advice is get a lesson, explain the problem and a decent pro will have you fixed in no time.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Now here's a topic I know well. This shot killed me for about 6 weeks.

It's unlikely it's just that you're coming over the top. More likely you're not clearing your hips properly as has already been said but there are a number of possible causes. Check that you're staying connected, you're not straightening your right leg on the backswing and that you're keeping the coil in your swing by not allowing your left heal to come off the floor.

Don't be fooled by the fact that it's only 5 swings a round. It's possible that you are compensating for the fault and getting away with it, plus it is exaggerated more with longer clubs so would explain why it is on tee shots. You sound like you've got exactly the problem I had, If I could get the ball in play off the tee I would score well but I found myself playing 3 off the tee about 6 times a round (or more when we played Ascot)

My advice is get a lesson, explain the problem and a decent pro will have you fixed in no time.

Thanks Hawkeye.
Iv been doing a little homework on the net the past few hours and like you said it could be any no of problems.......
But like that i would have very decent rounds if i wasnt loosing tee shots in the cabbage...Today was a perfect example....32 points with 5 scratches....


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Would you care to elaborate?

I think he means that every pro plays off scratch, well they do generally.

Are you actually trying to move the ball from right to left? If you ARE then the clubface has to point slightly right at impact (open to the target). If the ball is starting straight then hooking you are coming into the ball with the face too square at impact.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Would you care to elaborate?

I think he means that every pro plays off scratch, well they do generally.

Are you actually trying to move the ball from right to left? If you ARE then the clubface has to point slightly right at impact (open to the target). If the ball is starting straight then hooking you are coming into the ball with the face too square at impact.

No J.....I fought a slice for a few months when i first picked up a club but realised that it was my grip causing it.....Then i started dragging my right foot back at address to try and promote a better swing path....This has been helping....But i really got serious about the game last year so im really only playing constant every weekend for about 8 months.....Slice has gone completely...My grip is better( maybe a little strong if anything) but when i said a pull hook its going left and long(not short) it doesnt start straight either.......What has me puzzled is that when i reload i hit the ball perfect...its starting to ruin my cards as i said and i havent a clue when it strikes.......One thing that my dad noticed ( he plays every week with me) is that when i hit that bad shot there's a noticable difference in my swing speed from the bad and the good...... The bad is fast and the good is slightly slower.....But to be honest i cant feel the difference in speed.......I read a little about it last night and i could be any no. of 4 or 5 faults......Suppose its just a process of elimantion.
If its any help to you i do swing rather fast at times and im tryig hard to slow it down.
I dont play with swing thoughts i prefer a clear mind so i dont want to get technical with my swing....
Sorry for the long reply. ;)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
I dont play with swing thoughts i prefer a clear mind so i dont want to get technical with my swing....

Neither do I, once I'm set up to play the intended shot I just swing.

In a perfect world, what shape shot is it that you are TRYING to hit?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I dont play with swing thoughts i prefer a clear mind so i dont want to get technical with my swing....

Neither do I, once I'm set up to play the intended shot I just swing.
In a perfect world, what shape shot is it that you are TRYING to hit?

To be completely honest id be happy with anything once it was consistant....I suppose the fact that my address is a litle closed should in theory promote a draw but that doesnt always happen....But id be happy with either or at this stage once that hook that creeps in was banished...


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Just out of interest, does the hook happen when there's trouble on the left?

In most cases when it happens Bob I have trouble on both sides of the tee..But im guarding against the ball going left on some tee's but these have also trouble on the right as well if that makes sense....... :D

It seems to happen on the same few holes
Our 2nd par 3 158mtrs trouble all up the left a lake in front of the tee that has to be carried woodland all on the right!
Our 6th Par 5 not so bad here as the adjacent fairways have plenty of room......

Our 14th par 4 raised tee box but hooking one here if your long will send you into a lake in front of the 15th tee.....

18th par 4 a lake in front of the tee box OOB all down the right and trouble all down the left hand side of the fairway.....

Most of the hooks are with my 3 wood....I get the odd one on the par 3's with a long Iron.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The reason I ask is because your provisionals always go straight so it's not a technical problem.
A hook is often caused by the player trying not to hook.
You stand on the tee, look left and a huge lake lies waiting. Your confidence drops, you think "Don't hit it left", you stop turning you flick your hands and away she goes........left going left.
Get on the range and work on your turn through the ball and try and get some confidence with it.
So when you next face those tee-shots, you will have the confidence to stand there and rip it not flick it. :D


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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The reason I ask is because your provisionals always go straight so it's not a technical problem.
A hook is often caused by the player trying not to hook.
You stand on the tee, look left and a huge lake lies waiting. Your confidence drops, you think "Don't hit it left", you stop turning you flick your hands and away she goes........left going left.
Get on the range and work on your turn through the ball and try and get some confidence with it.
So when you next face those tee-shots, you will have the confidence to stand there and rip it not flick it. :D

Thanks Bob.......Always a pleasure reading your Replies ;)
Thanks also to you J.....

Without disrespecting anyone on here as much as i love reading differing replies and opinions its always someone that im aspiring to be like(namingly pro's single figure or scratch players)that will have me concentrate on what they are telling me.

Cheers again Gents!