Pro-Rata year 1 membership rates?

Yes. As I said it's the principle, not the money. Where do you draw the line? Would I join if it was 4 months? What about 6 months? I guess we all have to make a decision based on what we are comfortable with. What would you do?

Where do you draw the line is the correct statement. Do the current members get 2 months money back for not being able to play due to Covid closure?

Clubs have to try and make the best (sometimes tough) decisions possible to protect the financial stability of the club.

Satisfying the members by implementing such policy is their call. If it is such a great club/course, I'd either hang fire till next year or bite the bullet and join. The other way to look at your situation is that it seems like they have the members best interest at heart.
Yes. As I said it's the principle, not the money. Where do you draw the line? Would I join if it was 4 months? What about 6 months? I guess we all have to make a decision based on what we are comfortable with. What would you do?
but we are not talking 4 months or even 6 month, its two months, for me if its the best club and course why wait..? i wouldn't for the sake of 2 months thats for sure
Where do you draw the line is the correct statement. Do the current members get 2 months money back for not being able to play due to Covid closure?

Clubs have to try and make the best (sometimes tough) decisions possible to protect the financial stability of the club.

Satisfying the members by implementing such policy is their call. If it is such a great club/course, I'd either hang fire till next year or bite the bullet and join. The other way to look at your situation is that it seems like they have the members best interest at heart.

Some fair points there....and I guess it's difficult to see it from both sides unless you're the one in that position. Let's not forget I've already lost two months worth of fees at my current club which is now closing, so from my perspective I would have been hit twice. However, I do respect the fact that they are trying to do the right thing for their members. At the end of the day we all have to make our choices don't we.
Yes the same amount, just not a full year to play or enjoy the facilities. For example a golfer might have paid £1000 for a full year back in June, whilst a potential new member will be asked to pay the same to join in January for 6 months use. Of course the argument is current members were denied similar when we all had two months of no golf during lockdown. At the end of the day people can choose to say no thanks like me, or pay the one off additional fee....or just hold off applying to join until next June onwards. Personally I couldn't accept that extra charge....but that's me.

What about all the members of clubs that paid fees and kept said clubs afloat whilst not playing recently?

Obviously you've had a club, so you're not in that category. But I Coukd totally understand members being put out of lots of nomads suddenpy got let's say 8 months golf for 8 months fees when they got 10 for 12....