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Pre- shot routine....The key to consistency


Club Champion
Oct 13, 2012
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Every golfer is looking to be more consistent right? Take a couple of shots off the handicap this summer? Heck, maybe even win the Club Championship...Understanding why a pre-shot routine and using it on the course I can absolutely guarantee that every single one of you will improve.

A pre-shot routine is the single thing you should do the most on the course. A pre-shot routine settles the nerves, focusses the mind and gets you into the best state to hit the shot required. There are 2 parts to a pre-shot routine; The physical part and the Mental part.

Physical pre-shot routine
Every time you watch golf either live at an event or on theTV you will see that every golfer goes through an exact replica on every shot of their pre-shot routine before they hit the ball. For some people it might be 2 practice swing or maybe 3. They might waggle the club 2 times, 3 times, 4 times etc etc. Included in the physical pre shot routine and the most important part is as you walk into the ball and get aligned to the target. This is something that needs to be rehearsed before you go and play so that you can have no worries when stood over the ball as you are fully confident you are lined up correctly.
In short the 'Physical pre shot routine is a series of movements which take you from arriving to the ball, to being over the ball and right up until the ball is struck. The more consistent you can make these moves the more constant your golf will be.

Mental pre-shot routine
This is the most important part of the routine. When you arrive at the ball you need to find out the yardage to the hole, the pin location, how the green slopes, where is the best place to land the ball, do I want to be short of the hole of past the hole? Is their a safe side? These are all things you need to be asking yourself when your thinking about what shot and what club to use for the shot. After you have decided all these things and you have gone through your physical pre shot routine comes the absolute most important part. Committing to the shot. Standing over the ball and saying to yourself "Im going to hit the ball right there! Its going to land in that spot their and finish right there." Then visualise the shot you just described to yourself and right before the moment of truth put everything into perspective. Say to yourself "No matter where this ball goes its not the end of the world' This will not only help relieve any nerves or pressure you are under but it will also free yourself up and to swing confidently. When you swing confidently, you swing your best. It also stops yourself from getting angry if the shot does not work out. This is a great attribute to have because theres nothing worse than seeing a player hit a bad shot and then follow it up with another bad shot because the player has yet to forget about the original poor shot. Having a strong pre shot routine helps you not only play your best but limit the amount of tactical and silly mistakes you might make due to lack of concentration but it also increases the chance of getting into "THE ZONE" (The holy grail for golfers).
Lots of tour players have described their pre shot routine as though they feel like their in a bubble, their own little world where they feel completely in control.

Complete a pre shot routine on every shot and simply sit back and watch the handicap come down!


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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I always thought pre shot routines are a waste of time and laughed at my mates performing them. I had my first playing lesson a few months back and the pro said at the end " I love your pre shot routine"??????? I haven't got one I said. It works out that I have quite a anal routine on every shot without even knowing


Journeyman Pro
Nov 16, 2009
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Good post mate,you are spot on.When I get my routine right my nerves disappear and I enjoy playing the most.Most of my bad shots are caused by rushing and losing concentration.


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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I have a routine but seldom take a practice swing

First is to view the next shot and determine correct club based on distance conditions and lie

Then I align the club face then the body then I set myself up for the shot and remind myself to keep my chin up and keep spine angle

Play shot thinking of nothing but let shot happen and admire result without taking a sneaky peek too soon


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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I think I'm the same as you hovis. Every so often I notice myself going through the same moves before a shot.

I think the best bit of advice to take from the OP is the point about sticking to the shot. Decide where to hit it, line yourself up and then commit to it. How often have we all fluffed a chip because we didn't trust our decision?


Head Pro
Mar 6, 2013
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I get my mind set take a practice swing and hit it, takes about 15 seconds. Generally I don't have a problem with people on the course but some of the pros on TV really wind me up. They make a slow game even slower!


Mar 7, 2013
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Never really had a routine and just thought they were a waste of time until I read a book titled "golf is a not a game of perfect" by Bob Rotella. He really talked up a pre shot and why it helps to have one. I tried it and duly shot -4 for nine holes. So it does work.


Mjyounie - is your next thread going to be about the need to carry 5 wedges?

I would like to know which existing member shares an IP address with you......


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I have my own routine. I've embellished a bit with some positive thoughts via the Karl Morris apps but I'm also aware that becoming too aware of the routine defeats the object. Keep it simple and repetitive


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I have a routine - it doesn't amount to much but I do it to every full shot, I have a pitch/chip version and a putt version too....

They don't take long, about 5 seconds each.

I see some people with pre-shot routines that last so long you could build a patio quicker......


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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Keep 'em coming, I'll be scratch in no time with all these words of wisdom :D I notice you haven't suggested practicing yet, which is surely the only way any of us will get better.

Pre-shot routines are fine, I probably have one but it isn't something I think about before a shot and it doesn't take long. I've watched countless people go through painfully deliberate routines before knobbing the ball 50yds and doing the whole thing over and over again. They really don't help that much.


I have tried to get one many times, the last few days has been another attempt. What tends to happen is what homer said, it becomes contrived feeling. The reason I would like one and take the time to try is because I want a method of taking my swing from the range/net to the course. I am not sure I have the patience.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Have a decent physical routine, trying to sort out a reliable mental routine I believe is crux to my issues but not proving easy to resolve! Always good to have something to work on though :)