Practice swings


Jun 2, 2007
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As a follow up to the pre-shot routines.

How important do you think the practice swing is?

I personally think the practice swing before taking the shot is very important. I see lots of people on the course just waggling the club to loosen up but then just step up to the ball and hit it.

I like to 'practice swing' as though I really mean to hit a ball. I pick a spot on the grass and hit through it. That gives me a chance to spot anything I might be doing wrong. Many's the time when I have thought 'I'm glad I didn't hit a ball then, that was all wrong'. By watching the patch of grass you can sometimes see the club head come through at the wrong angle and it gives you a chance to analyse what you were doing wrong.

Because I also suddenly got into the habit of topping the ball particularly when going from a long iron to a wedge near the green, I would take several practice swings with the wedge to get into the swing (sorry about the pun) of clipping the grass. I think that help me get my spine angle right and the brain used to the length of the club.

Anyway I now have no difficulty getting under the ball.

Does anybody else think the same?


With a good lie in the fairway, you ahould know the yardage, select club and shot type, picture shot in head then go into pre-shot routine. I dont believe practice swings are necessary, your playing partners will hate you if you stand there swishing over and over. You will over analyse if you think you can detect faults in a practice swing. At that stage you want your head clear and just pick target and go. A waggle standing behind the target is plenty.


Q-School Graduate
May 8, 2007
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I have to agree with Brookwood that a practice swing is important, but only ONE. After all, the pros all seem to do it. It is ridiculous to take four or five practice swings as it will not only get on your partner's wick, but, as I was told by a very good player, you will tire yourself out.


Jun 20, 2007
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i used to tend to take several full throttle practice swings while i was waiting my turn to tee off, but like ya man says, it does get a bit tiring. the more i thoughtabout it, i realised the more practice swings i was taking, the less confident i was about the shot. maybe its better to take one or two then step up and *** the bugger


Assistant Pro
Jun 11, 2007
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i always make at least one practice swing.

i feel stepping up to hit a shot, with the confidence that you are swinging well and dont need one or more swing thought is very helpful.


Club Champion
Nov 30, 2006
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Hi Brookwood; in answer to your question, if it works for you then continue but beware, if your take a practice swing and it does not feel right, then you will put doubt in your mind you are likely to hit a bad shot...
In my opinion as with most golfers, the error is that we think the practice swing is just that, practicing what we are about to hopefully achieve, a good swing, but alas this not as it seems. Notice how professionals never swing the club at the ground; moreover they swing above 6-8 inches off the ground. They are actually trying to get the feel of looseness through the hitting area; they are not actually putting the same thought or effort as they would when they take their actual swing. It is different when they are looking to pitch/chip/lob or any other shot that needs controlled distance with fine accuracy, on these they are in essence practicing the feel or the effort they will need to commit to the shot.. they will need good judgement and the "practice swing" is actually telling then how far they need to take the club back whilst rehearsing the feeling at impact and follow through...
When you next watch golf on TV take a mental note of how and when they take "practice" swings...


Assistant Pro
Nov 1, 2006
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I like to take two practice swings except when using a wedge when feel is so important. If I don't take my time to feel right and visualise the shot I'll either hit the ball 2 inches or shank it.


Club Champion
Jun 18, 2007
Cheshire, UK
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I never used to take a practice swing, just walked upto the ball and smacked it, but didnt get any better, now I take 2 swings just to slow me down and help me concentrate.