Plus Two Golf Trousers.


I asked last night that you kept this thread civil, so that it doesn’t descend into the same personal tit for tat and trading of insults we see whenever the subject of golfing attire is discussed.

Should anyone else choose to ignore that request expect warnings to follow.


"Old Tom Morris himself would be proud of"?

That's a laugh, I don't think I've seen a picture of Tom Morris wearing a pair of plus twos or fours, like the rest of the professional golfers of the time he generally wore trousers.

Plus twos and fours were more the choice of the amateur golfer, and even then they were far from universal.
I have a great picture of my father with the last 8 [or 7 in his case] of the Scottish amateur @1936 ish.

Four look like they were plucked from the set of Chariots of Fire, outrageous plus 4s with pipes and university colours.
Two looked like RAF pilots and the other two looked like human beings.
My father, the young son of a market gardener, looking quite dapper in Brylcreaned hair and a baggy pinstripe suit
I gather there are some clubs now that dont enforce a dress code requiring the wearing of plus twos. But I certainly wouldnt play one of them, let alone join one.
I'm searching for some plus twos.

I don't necessarily want to buy online, I'd prefer to see them and try them on.

Looking around online, which is all I have done so far, it's seems the choice is limited. It's either some awful garish designs or JRB, which is the sort of style I am looking for, but it seems apparent that JRB are the only make that is available in a very limited market.

I agree, plus twos aren't the sort of thing younger golfers are attracted to, but I love 'em. Especially in the winter.

They are more practical, (you avoid the mud, which only gets on the socks, to therefore easy to wash), and there is a sartorial elegance about them. They are also the diametral opposite to some of the trousers I a witnessing. It grieves me when I see my sport lowered to cargo trousers in camo and god forbid, tracksuit bottoms.

Is there anywhere in the North Wales area that sells plus twos?

I’m surprised you are struggling, you can easily find your outfit on amazon or eBay.
