Excellent write up. Look forward to see how you progress with the new clubs and how things go with your new driver after further lessons/re-fit. Good luck mate
Nice write up Toad , very intersting bout the putter fitting .. gas how they can attribute a handicap to the putter fitting .. best of luck with the challange looking forward to the updates ..
Tallpaul would love to hear more , see where they think you loosing your shots ..
Guys give us a bit of info on the mental tips if you would please , did ye have any EUREKA moments during the day where you went oh yeah thats it etc
Green spot i20 irons eh - at least you know they aren't the only new green thing about these parts - all of the readers of this thread must be a shade of green too! I certainly am Sounds like you had a fantastic day out; I'm looking forward to hearing how you all progress now! No pressure!!!
Nice one - As I was in Gainsborough for a meeting on Tuesday so I drove up on Monday with the intention of doing some spying. But I spent three hours on the A1 as some bloke was about to toss himself off a bridge up front. 7 hours door to door for 190 mile trip meant I never got to Ping and limped to my bed in the hotel.
Meeting went OK though yesterday.
Any mind tips you can pass on would be apprecited lots!