Hacker Khan
Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
What do you think of the idea of a club, to generate some publicity and hopefully new members, making an offer where visitors pay what they thought the round was worth during the winter months.
So you say normally a round in the summer would cost £x. And then after they have completed their round players pay what they think the round was worth. So you may get people paying nearly the summer rate if the course was in good nick, half decent weather. Or you may get people paying half price if the course was on temporary green and tees and the course was very wet.
You could set a minimum price of say a tenner or a fiver, limit the offer to 3 rounds and see what happens. As someone who is not a member of any club that would certainly make me interested. I have played courses where I have felt royally ripped off in the winter as the course was pretty awful, but also have played courses in very good nick where I would have happily paid a bit more.
So you say normally a round in the summer would cost £x. And then after they have completed their round players pay what they think the round was worth. So you may get people paying nearly the summer rate if the course was in good nick, half decent weather. Or you may get people paying half price if the course was on temporary green and tees and the course was very wet.
You could set a minimum price of say a tenner or a fiver, limit the offer to 3 rounds and see what happens. As someone who is not a member of any club that would certainly make me interested. I have played courses where I have felt royally ripped off in the winter as the course was pretty awful, but also have played courses in very good nick where I would have happily paid a bit more.