over the top, weight shift


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Guys, went to the range last night and was striking the ball OK. however, when i got home to watch my swing, i didnt like what i saw..

Looks horribly steep again, especially on the down swing, i seem to be struggling for room when it comes to impact as i seem to lift up on my toes.. any tips? i have a lesson booked for friday, but interested in your thoughts and ideas for drills etc?

here is the video of shame...



Nov 16, 2011
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I think it's 'simply' a case of losing the lag, so with arms ans club extended as you swing into and through the impact zone, you have to rise up - otherwise the club-head will strike the ground about 18 inches behind the ball! That's the subconscious brain over-riding the conscious one to avoid injury!

Swing looks 2-plane-ish (at least heading that way) and you seem quite tall, so has to be a bit steep at the start of the down-swing. For that to avoid the casting action that loses the lag you (and I!) need to feel as if the hands are dropping straight down rather than swinging - it's a feeling only, they actually do swing but the forearms don't extend until later.

There's a 'Pump Drill' that may help establish/ingrain the position that you should be in halfway down. Here's one - though it's purely the loss of lag that you have - I don't see any over the top movement in yours.


As Estes says, it's (then) a case of getting the correct sequencing. Hips, knees/legs, arms.

I'm all arms until the ball has gone! :angry:

One thing that might help is to take a slightly shorter back-swing. Club gets parallel to the ground nicely, but shaft is pointing to the right of target (I believe). That will also tend to encourage an early flick/hand action in the down-swing - with loss of lag a likely consequence.
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Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Thanks for that, when you say "you seem quite tall" do you mean physically? or due to the body position i get in? i am only 5'10"..

Re 2 plane swing, it does look that way doesnt it! that is NOT intentional or anything, but i can see it, heading toward Furyk! LOL

Thanks for the vid, will have a watch tonight. Re the backswing shorter, this is something i have surprising worked on! I used to be able to see the club head out of my left eye! what you see there is my "3/4" swing! LOL


Nov 16, 2011
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Thanks for that, when you say "you seem quite tall" do you mean physically? or due to the body position i get in? i am only 5'10"..
I did wonder whether that was the case, or whether the bay surrounds were also quite tall.
You are just a lithe (skinny) and long-legged then. Maybe just camera angle. 5'10 used to be tall for Brits.

Re 2 plane swing, it does look that way doesnt it! that is NOT intentional or anything, but i can see it, heading toward Furyk! LOL

It's the stretch at the top and the loss of 'connection' that indicates 2PS to me. Remember that neither style is necessarily better than the other. Just that some things that are good for 1PS are bad for 2PS and vice-versa! If you want to head towards 1PS, then the 'glove(s) under the armpit(s)' drill will improve the connection that is a requirement of that style - but not so important for 2PS. Be prepared for quite a bit of havoc until it beds in though!

Re the backswing shorter, this is something i have surprising worked on! I used to be able to see the club head out of my left eye! what you see there is my "3/4" swing! LOL



Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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Thank you for your input! no idea if i want to be 2ps or 1ps! dont know the pros and cons for either if i am honest!

anyone else want to comment?


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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To understand the difference between the two swing planes get a book called "The Plane truth" by Jim Hardy. It's fantastic I got mine about 2 months ago it really clarifies the 2 swing types.
As previously pointed out you can't mix aspects of the 2 separate swing styles into 1 swing plane, it doesn't work. Jim Hardy specifically mentions this in his book.
I'm working on becoming solely a 1 plane swinger, unfortunately due to duff advice from so called pro's I've got aspects of both in my swing. Jim Hardy even mentions this in his book that a lot of so called pro's and teachers don't understand the difference. EXTREMELY FRIGHTENING AND WORRYING..........
In terms of what's best for you I think it depends on how you mentally see the golf swing and other physical and personal attributes that you have.
Personally I think this book is the golfers bible, can't recommend it high enough.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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You take the club back very nicely. You come back down very steep and the lifting up problem is due to you having no room to get back to the ball. Work on getting the butt end of shaft pointing more towards the ball on the downswing transition, currently its pointing more towards your feet.