Swing Timing & Weight Distribution: Irons vs Hybrids

As you say consciously. But think on this - when was the last time you were happy taking a divot with your driver or 3 wood? I'd guess never. When was the last time you were happy taking a divot with your wedge or 9 iron? I'd guess the last good full wedge you hit.
With your short irons you are compressing the ball and the low point of your swing is normally a few cm in front of the ball. With woods (and sometimes long irons) you are sweeping the ball and your low point the point of contact is the ball. With your driver you are hitting up so still a sweep and the low point is behind the ball. That is 2 and for some people 3 different swings.

You instinctively make the adjustment - I do too, but sometimes I "forget" and seeing a video 2 or 3 times a year helps me remember. It's just a way of verifying what you are trying to do. For example some people think they are keeping their left arm straight throughout their swing but a 10 second phone video could prove otherwise. Or a non golf example - my wife thinks crime in Surrey is getting worse cause of what she reads on the village facebook page - actual hard data tells a different story.
I don't agree. The swingpath for every club should be on-plane, the plane will of course change depending on the club length but there will obviously be a low point in every swing. The difference in how you contact the ball will be determined by the ball position and whether the ball is teed up (Driver)
I'm not sure what 'sweeping' the ball means other than hitting it too low on the club face. IMO you should take a divot with all clubs other than the Driver and Putter and when chipping. OK, with long irons, fairway woods and Hybrids the divot will be shallower due to a shallower swing plane but should still be there.
Update - I had a lesson and a review of my swing.

Turns out my weight shifts on the counts of one and two are causing me issues. Causing me to lose my centre over the golf ball leading to inconsistent shots.

I am now doing the same count but only doing a significant weight shift onto my lead foot on the count of 3 with irons/hybrids to achieve a more consistent impact and compression.

Early results looking good on the course!