One Plane Support Group


Assistant Pro
Feb 7, 2015
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So I have just been reading the Release on eBook as recommended here.

All pretty dry as you'd expect for a tutorial book. But not overly complicated. Then I got to chapter 7, and suddenly all the lights came on. As he was describing a one plane hybrid player. So someone who naturally as a one plane swing but is trying to release the club head through the ball like a 2 plane golfer.

How that a one plane hybrid can hit great shots when the timing is right, but when it goes wrong can literally hit every bad shot possible. Which has always been me, every time I have a lesson the pro asks what's your bad shot. Well on a bad day it can be a massive slice, duck hook, shanks and a skyer not to mention pushes and pulls. It now all makes sense, why I can be on song and then it all fall apart, especially in comps where my timing will start to go due to nerves.

I will be down the range now to practice the RIT (one plane release)

Keep us posted how you get on, Pulling with the lead arm is the thing to avoid


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Keep us posted how you get on, Pulling with the lead arm is the thing to avoid

I'll use that one next time I'm playing Fragger's -"Hey Fragger, do you pull with your lead arm or push with your trailing arm"
That'll get him thinking and his swing will get even worse..:rofl::rofl:


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'll use that one next time I'm playing Fragger's -"Hey Fragger, do you pull with your lead arm or push with your trailing arm"
That'll get him thinking and his swing will get even worse..:rofl::rofl:

Can it get worse? Actually that's harsh as the old chap hasn't been well. Bit like the old "do you breath in or out on the downswing". Chucked that one into a few roll ups at weekends and definitely gets a few nibbles


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 27, 2014
East Midlands
If you're referring to the One Plane swing advocated by Jim Hardy you should look at the Plane Truth Facebook group

When I read Hardy's book "The Plane Truth" for the first time it struck a chord & confirmed my thinking on the golf swing & the fact that my swing is decidedly one plane. His latest book, "The Release" is £25 & only available via Amazon from the U.S. People on the Facebook page were raving about it. I was sceptical but eventually took the plunge & bought it. I read half of it & went to the range yesterday with some changes in mind re. the way I release the club. within 3 shots I was hitting the ball much better & there was no sign of the pull with the short irons which plagues me. I found it hard to believe the difference it made & would never have worked this change out for myself.

My advice would be to read "The Plane Truth" if you haven't already then buy "The Release" You can also buy a video download of the latter but I prefer a book to learn from.

Incredible difference with virtually immediate results.

I have that short iron pull. I find it mega weird as I've been a stock fader for the first 9 of 10 years playing.
Weirds me out when I hit it left. Don't know how to intuitively fix it mid round.
Real pain in the arse when I'm going for the flag and find the left hand bunker.