One Plane Support Group


Head Pro
Aug 2, 2017
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I've decided to try and change my swing to a one plane after getting very frustrated at my inconsistency.

My initial reaction is positive, I'm not hitting everything perfectly, probably not even a higher percentage of good shots compared to my two plane.

But the difference between a good and a bad shot is so much better. Maybe 90% of the distance and 10 yards off target. Which is easily recoverable from, compared to a bad shot with my two plane which could easily be on the deep rough, trees or OOB.

I did notice that there was a slight loss of distance, maybe 10 yards. But don't know if this is due to the swing itself or of the timing hasn't quite clicked yet.

I know others on here have adopted the one plane swing, so wondered if you had any advice, what to look out for, potential pit falls etc


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I have absolutely no idea if my swing is one plane or not. I've read up on the differences between one and two plane and I still have no clue.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
If you're referring to the One Plane swing advocated by Jim Hardy you should look at the Plane Truth Facebook group

When I read Hardy's book "The Plane Truth" for the first time it struck a chord & confirmed my thinking on the golf swing & the fact that my swing is decidedly one plane. His latest book, "The Release" is £25 & only available via Amazon from the U.S. People on the Facebook page were raving about it. I was sceptical but eventually took the plunge & bought it. I read half of it & went to the range yesterday with some changes in mind re. the way I release the club. within 3 shots I was hitting the ball much better & there was no sign of the pull with the short irons which plagues me. I found it hard to believe the difference it made & would never have worked this change out for myself.

My advice would be to read "The Plane Truth" if you haven't already then buy "The Release" You can also buy a video download of the latter but I prefer a book to learn from.

Incredible difference with virtually immediate results.


Head Pro
Mar 3, 2016
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If you're referring to the One Plane swing advocated by Jim Hardy you should look at the Plane Truth Facebook group

When I read Hardy's book "The Plane Truth" for the first time it struck a chord & confirmed my thinking on the golf swing & the fact that my swing is decidedly one plane. His latest book, "The Release" is £25 & only available via Amazon from the U.S. People on the Facebook page were raving about it. I was sceptical but eventually took the plunge & bought it. I read half of it & went to the range yesterday with some changes in mind re. the way I release the club. within 3 shots I was hitting the ball much better & there was no sign of the pull with the short irons which plagues me. I found it hard to believe the difference it made & would never have worked this change out for myself.

My advice would be to read "The Plane Truth" if you haven't already then buy "The Release" You can also buy a video download of the latter but I prefer a book to learn from.

Incredible difference with virtually immediate results.

Available on the Kindle for £7.58

Might give it a go at that price.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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If you're referring to the One Plane swing advocated by Jim Hardy you should look at the Plane Truth Facebook group

When I read Hardy's book "The Plane Truth" for the first time it struck a chord & confirmed my thinking on the golf swing & the fact that my swing is decidedly one plane. His latest book, "The Release" is £25 & only available via Amazon from the U.S. People on the Facebook page were raving about it. I was sceptical but eventually took the plunge & bought it. I read half of it & went to the range yesterday with some changes in mind re. the way I release the club. within 3 shots I was hitting the ball much better & there was no sign of the pull with the short irons which plagues me. I found it hard to believe the difference it made & would never have worked this change out for myself.

My advice would be to read "The Plane Truth" if you haven't already then buy "The Release" You can also buy a video download of the latter but I prefer a book to learn from.

Incredible difference with virtually immediate results.

Always good to hear a success to share the bare bones of the change that worked for you?


Head Pro
Dec 23, 2009
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Always good to hear a success to share the bare bones of the change that worked for you?

The more I look at the differences between the two, you could pretty much pick up elements of both in any swing. So what does that swing become ? For me, there's miles to much emphasis on this sort of stuff, it's just too much conflict for what our brains are trying to get our bodies to do. However if it lights a fire under your game then go for it.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Always good to hear a success to share the bare bones of the change that worked for you?

I'm a lefty playing right handed & my right hand is pretty much a passenger on the club, all the power (such that there is) is generated by the big muscles in the upper body driving the shoulders & arms. The book told me that, for my kind of release, RIT, (they call it "Right inside throw") that I should be throwing the right hand from an early stage of the downswing, with the wrist flexing, rather than rotating or uncocking. It's something very counter intuitive for me & something I would have never tried.

Back to the range now, having read the rest of the book.


Head Pro
Aug 2, 2017
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If you're referring to the One Plane swing advocated by Jim Hardy you should look at the Plane Truth Facebook group

When I read Hardy's book "The Plane Truth" for the first time it struck a chord & confirmed my thinking on the golf swing & the fact that my swing is decidedly one plane. His latest book, "The Release" is £25 & only available via Amazon from the U.S. People on the Facebook page were raving about it. I was sceptical but eventually took the plunge & bought it. I read half of it & went to the range yesterday with some changes in mind re. the way I release the club. within 3 shots I was hitting the ball much better & there was no sign of the pull with the short irons which plagues me. I found it hard to believe the difference it made & would never have worked this change out for myself.

My advice would be to read "The Plane Truth" if you haven't already then buy "The Release" You can also buy a video download of the latter but I prefer a book to learn from.

Incredible difference with virtually immediate results.

Yes that's previously what I was trying. I've not read the book, have been getting my information from articles, blogs and videos.

I will shell out and get the book(s) if it helps like you say.

It feels really natural to swing like this, and as I say my bad shots are no where near as bad add they used to be


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I tinkered a few years ago with a more one plane swing and got the Jim Hardy book. It really is an eye opener. I liked the flatter feeling swing but and had some early successes but couldn't get it to work consistently. My swing is definitely back to a two plane swing but there's still plenty in the book to help me.

Plenty of stuff out there. This looked reasonable


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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As ManInBlack will concur, I'm definitely a one plane swinger. My thought process is that I see the swing as a baseball swing, but just bent over.
The one plane swing is where the arms swing around the body.
The book "Plane Truth" is a real revelation.
Once you understand the concept it's easy to see which magazine articles apply to your swing and more importantly which don't.
From a personal perspective I was chasing my tail getting lessons from Pros, as unknown to me they all taught two plane. I also found that the Pros merely taught their swing and not what was suited to me.
My advice is to find a Pro who teaches the one plane swing. Ask a Pro beforehand what they understand by the one plane swing, and if they give a blank looking then walk away.
My own experience of teaching Pros has been poor, but with better knowledge by both parties this wouldn't have been the case.


Tour Rookie
Jun 12, 2012
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Incidentally in answer to your question, I think the 2 plane swing will hit the ball further than 1 plane. However this type of swing requires more practice and I think is harder to be consistent with, mainly because of so many moving parts.


Head Pro
Aug 2, 2017
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So I have just been reading the Release on eBook as recommended here.

All pretty dry as you'd expect for a tutorial book. But not overly complicated. Then I got to chapter 7, and suddenly all the lights came on. As he was describing a one plane hybrid player. So someone who naturally as a one plane swing but is trying to release the club head through the ball like a 2 plane golfer.

How that a one plane hybrid can hit great shots when the timing is right, but when it goes wrong can literally hit every bad shot possible. Which has always been me, every time I have a lesson the pro asks what's your bad shot. Well on a bad day it can be a massive slice, duck hook, shanks and a skyer not to mention pushes and pulls. It now all makes sense, why I can be on song and then it all fall apart, especially in comps where my timing will start to go due to nerves.

I will be down the range now to practice the RIT (one plane release)


Head Pro
Aug 2, 2017
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Out of interest, has changing to a one plane swing brought anyones handicap down by many shots?

The thing I have realised is that it isn't a new theory of swing a golf club. Golfers have always been one plane swinger as well as 2. Hogan was a one planer. But if you don't understand which one you are then looking at tips or listening to pros who aren't knowledgeable about different planes can seriously hurt you as you may be trying to incorporate a 2 plane tip into your one plane swing or visa versa.

Reading these books and articles I'm more sure now that as a junior when I first picked up a club I was a 1 plane swinger. My first pro commented on how I had a lovely flat swing, but I think over the years I have had lessons and listened to advice and tried to turn myself into a 2 plane swing, where as above I end up being a horrible mutant of the two that robs me of consistency


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
So I have just been reading the Release on eBook as recommended here.

All pretty dry as you'd expect for a tutorial book. But not overly complicated. Then I got to chapter 7, and suddenly all the lights came on. As he was describing a one plane hybrid player. So someone who naturally as a one plane swing but is trying to release the club head through the ball like a 2 plane golfer.

How that a one plane hybrid can hit great shots when the timing is right, but when it goes wrong can literally hit every bad shot possible. Which has always been me, every time I have a lesson the pro asks what's your bad shot. Well on a bad day it can be a massive slice, duck hook, shanks and a skyer not to mention pushes and pulls. It now all makes sense, why I can be on song and then it all fall apart, especially in comps where my timing will start to go due to nerves.

I will be down the range now to practice the RIT (one plane release)
Just back from the range practicing my RIT. When it works it's great but it's an entirely new feeling, effortless when it comes off. My right hand has gone from being a passenger on the club to taking an active part right from the top.