one piece takeaway - lets discuss


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Seems like i have made gradual improvements in my swing and today worked on the one piece takeaway which worked well and resulted in a better downswing on a better path.

Seems to me that the one piece takeaway keeps the club from getting to far behind which made it hard getting the downswing on the right path

I hadnt thought it would make this much difference but i can now "feel" the club is returning down on the correct inside path when before it was a tad out to in.........


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi guys

My old takeaway was too much arms ahead of the shoulders resulting in getting too much behind ( difficult to get back on correct path )

Making sure i kept arms and shoulders turning in the takeaway together and forgetting about wrist cock (happens naturally ) i got in a better position at the top resulting in finding a better inside path to the ball.

The one piece takeaway seems text book stuff but i didnt appreciate that without it it was easy to get the club too far behind you at the top.

With a proper one piece the path back is better and so is the club at the top resulting in a more correct swing path to the ball and the difference is i can feel the club coming down more from the inside which i have never felt before
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Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Thanks OS the Peter Styles video explains it perfectly and this has improved my swing no end

Better swing path, better ball striking, better distance and very much improved accuracy


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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There is also some dispute about the clubface at the end of the takeaway, many say neutral, but i go with the face should match the spine angle so a slightly closed face at the end of the takeaway, i.e no rolling of the forearms or wrist change


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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There is also some dispute about the clubface at the end of the takeaway, many say neutral, but i go with the face should match the spine angle so a slightly closed face at the end of the takeaway, i.e no rolling of the forearms or wrist change

Is the correct answer ;)


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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@FH, I have explained to you a number of times now that the original King method has evolved quite a bit over the years and the original is not one I subscribe fully to. If you want to understand it better then please take a look at the videos in the attached site. With respect to this item look at the video on 'Take Away'
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Nov 16, 2011
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@FH, I have explained to you a number of times now that the original King method has evolved quite a bit over the years and the original is not one I subscribe fully to.

Still a pretty fundamental divergence, given the aggression anti King has for the OPT.

King was quite adamant that the OPT was bad!


An Incorrect Takeaway - the causes and effects...
There are two pieces of golfing advice which, in my experience, are guaranteed to ruin the takeaway. They are: "hold the club-head low to the ground in the takeaway" and "take the club-head, hands, arms and shoulders back in one piece".
We have already seen that the takeaway is NOT "one-piece". The hands and arms start the movement. Then the shoulders begin to turn to allow the swing to continue to the top. This implies a genuine swing of the left hand and arm.
In the "one-piece" takeaway the club, hands and arms are being set in motion by turning the shoulders. This is what I call the "body propelling the hands and the arms". This is not a swing at all. It is a stiff, locked movement which actually destroys totally the swing of the left hand and arm. It leads to a lot of errors, as we shall see!


I suspect it was Hogan's popularity - and his advocacy of OPT that 'won that battle' - not unreasonably imo.

Unless King changed his mind/approach later though, it brings into question those that state they they teach 'the King method' as he specified, rather than his 'from the basics' that was apparently his major 'USP' - replicated by Hogan.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Still a pretty fundamental divergence, given the aggression anti King has for the OPT.

King was quite adamant that the OPT was bad!


An Incorrect Takeaway - the causes and effects...

There are two pieces of golfing advice which, in my experience, are guaranteed to ruin the takeaway. They are: "hold the club-head low to the ground in the takeaway" and "take the club-head, hands, arms and shoulders back in one piece".

We have already seen that the takeaway is NOT "one-piece". The hands and arms start the movement. Then the shoulders begin to turn to allow the swing to continue to the top. This implies a genuine swing of the left hand and arm.

In the "one-piece" takeaway the club, hands and arms are being set in motion by turning the shoulders. This is what I call the "body propelling the hands and the arms". This is not a swing at all. It is a stiff, locked movement which actually destroys totally the swing of the left hand and arm. It leads to a lot of errors, as we shall see!


I suspect it was Hogan's popularity - and his advocacy of OPT that 'won that battle' - not unreasonably imo.

Unless King changed his mind/approach later though, it brings into question those that state they they teach 'the King method' as he specified, rather than his 'from the basics' that was apparently his major 'USP' - replicated by Hogan.

You are doing it again :confused: Quoting from Lesley King's original teachings. I have explained that I like the current teaching methods used by the KGS. The video I directed you to explains the takeaway and shows clearly how the clubface is respecting the swingpath and spine tilt with no wrist roll. Quoting from these old teaching methods and referring them to my posts is not correct.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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My pro teaches the Ben Hogan swing principles and in last weeks lesson we worked on the one piece takeaway. This was largely to stop me setting the wrist too soon and getting to hinge too much. I tried it on Sunday and was very happy with the results so I will definitely be grooving it at the range over the next few weeks.

I don't feel that its a rigid swing but just that the sternum, arms and hands all start the backswing together, not stiff or rigid but all together until the hands and club finish the backswing. Anyway I like it and will keep on with it.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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One piece as opposed to what. How did you take it away before hand and what is so different

In this month GM it shows Danny Willett's swing and his first move is to set the club with his hands before hardly any arm movement back. So, his club is parallel to the ground at the start of the swing


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Well its working for me and i am now hitting a nice draw, never done this before ever so must be better for me

The key points for me have been
1. stops getting the club too much behind you
2. easier to stop the over the top move
3. you can actualy feel the change from backswing at the top to the inside to out path as you approach the ball
4. must still use the lower body before the upper body but this is a proven must i think which we all agree with

Again my point is this is a very basic swing movement that is seen in many articles and books and looks a bit simple and dull and it doesnt really show how important it is in setting the club into the right slot at the top.

I do remember being taught incorrectly the club face will be neutral at the end of the takeaway, this i believe to be very wrong now

As said its slightly closed matching the spine tilt, again to me another reason it appears more correct

The results of hitting a draw the very next day on driver and irons for me proves for me its a very very important move


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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Got to say ive been using this the last few rounds and my iron play increased ten fold. Lovely flighted balls going where i wanted them. My last lesson had me concentrating on the toe pointing up half way up the back swing, this ended up as my main thought but ended up using my arms more and more with the shoulders etc playing catch up. After messing about with a club at home it felt like a eureka moment! Everything away in union helped to keep the toe up but also to help not turn too much and keep everything on plane. It has also saved me a fortune as i was lining up a new set of irons but after the other day not a chance, it was just me afterall!!