One of the strangest pieces of bad luck?


GM Forum Editor
Sep 24, 2020
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I know, I know, two posts in a day but this is worth a quick share. Matt Baldwin was leading by one on the Challenge Tour in Italy on Sunday when he suffered this ridiculous bit of misfortune at the last.

He messaged to say: "The 17th and 18th run parallel to each other. My playing partner hit the green on 17 so left his bag by the bunker 250 off the tee on 18. I hit 3-iron a bit left off the 18th tee but only left rough. Apparently it hit his golf bag or trolley and bounced 40 yards left into a water hazard that was for the 16th and 17th holes. I didn’t know it hit it until we got up there, I had heard the noise but certainly didn’t know it went in the hazard and the referee and players on 16 shouted over to say it had gone in. I've never seen anything like it and probably won’t again but nothing I can do now so best to move on and try win the next time out!"

He made a double-bogey six and missed out on the play-off by one.


Occasional Player of Golf
Oct 26, 2011
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I guess he didn't mean "playing partner".
Seems an odd place to leave it though, maybe 50 or more yards nearer the tee.