One for the East Lothianista


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Sep 2, 2021
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Membership availability being what it is I’m trying to decide between Haddington or Winterfield.
Anyone care to share views on either ?
Cheers all.


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Oct 29, 2020
East Lothian
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I live in Haddington and was a member there for 10 years up to 1982 when I left and joined Dunbar (was only playing at weekends and it was just too busy and Dunbar was only £80 to join) have also played Winterfield many times. For me Haddington is a much better course, both are usually in good condition but the downside is that Haddinton will get heavy in the winter and will no doubt be closed on occasion. Socially both will be good, no airs and graces at either. One of my pp's at Dunbar is a long time member at Haddington and says it is very busy now particularly at weekends, I believe they took in just shy of 100 new members during the pandemic, certainly the car park always looks busy whenever I look across that way. KenL who is at Dunbar now too was a more recent member at Haddington than me and will maybe add in his tuppence worth but i would think he would agree that Haddington would be his choice


Active member
Sep 2, 2021
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Haddington went from 260 members to 690over the period I’m led to believe.
I’ve spoken to a few about it but am still unsure
Because I’m brand new to golf I’m edging towards Winterfield based on the chats I’ve had so far
Thanks for that reply , it’s confirmed a few things other folk have said.