Old and past it…


Sep 11, 2011
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Do we get stuck in time, more importantly does life move on and leave us behind? Bobmac’s Random Irritation about the changing usage of words started the train of thought but it then moved onto to how things in society change and it just goes over my head.

We were back in the U.K. several months back, and whilst visiting the middle daughter in Ashby, a suburb of Scunthorpe I commented on the number of barber’s shops(9) on Ashby High Street. It’s almost a village High Street in terms of the number of shops in total. “How on earth can Ashby support so many barbers?” Middle daughter came back at me with, “oh dad surely you know they’re there just to money launder for illegal businesses like drug dealing, prostitution and protection racketeering.”

I was gobsmacked, and it reminded me of the time I asked the youngest lad if there were drugs in schools. He looked at me like I was the village idiot. “Of course there is but we just don’t get involved with that group.”

Do we reach an age where we live in innocent bliss?

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Do we get stuck in time, more importantly does life move on and leave us behind? Bobmac’s Random Irritation about the changing usage of words started the train of thought but it then moved onto to how things in society change and it just goes over my head.

We were back in the U.K. several months back, and whilst visiting the middle daughter in Ashby, a suburb of Scunthorpe I commented on the number of barber’s shops(9) on Ashby High Street. It’s almost a village High Street in terms of the number of shops in total. “How on earth can Ashby support so many barbers?” Middle daughter came back at me with, “oh dad surely you know they’re there just to money launder for illegal businesses like drug dealing, prostitution and protection racketeering.”

I was gobsmacked, and it reminded me of the time I asked the youngest lad if there were drugs in schools. He looked at me like I was the village idiot. “Of course there is but we just don’t get involved with that group.”

Do we reach an age where we live in innocent bliss?
I live in a small seaside town and we must have about 5 Turkish barbers. As you walk past there is hardly ever anyone having a haircut but yet they have loads of staff. And from what I can see they are cash only.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Do we get stuck in time, more importantly does life move on and leave us behind? Bobmac’s Random Irritation about the changing usage of words started the train of thought but it then moved onto to how things in society change and it just goes over my head.

We were back in the U.K. several months back, and whilst visiting the middle daughter in Ashby, a suburb of Scunthorpe I commented on the number of barber’s shops(9) on Ashby High Street. It’s almost a village High Street in terms of the number of shops in total. “How on earth can Ashby support so many barbers?” Middle daughter came back at me with, “oh dad surely you know they’re there just to money launder for illegal businesses like drug dealing, prostitution and protection racketeering.”

I was gobsmacked, and it reminded me of the time I asked the youngest lad if there were drugs in schools. He looked at me like I was the village idiot. “Of course there is but we just don’t get involved with that group.”

Do we reach an age where we live in innocent bliss?
Probably. Bracknell has numerous barber shops as well along with a load of new build apartments available for rent only so I assume are being rented out on short term deals as drug dens and knocking shops. I know from police force members at the club it is happening (Reading is rife apparently) but manpower means there isn't the personnel to deal with it and they can only wait for the problems to escalate or complaints to do anything. I see street deals regularly in Reading and I just turn a blind (although sad and disapproving eye) as getting involved wouldn't be a healthy strategy. Sometimes it is easier not to see

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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In so many ways, and I am glad about it.

This morning, one of the ladies at work was talking about a small town near her which has major drug issues. A good number are on methadone, dispensed from the local chemist. This alone surprised me. Then she said, quite a few hold it in their mouth, it is given as a liquid, then spit it into a container outside. This is then sold on to buy the drugs they actually want :oops: . All of this passes me by, thankfully.

Incidentally, I only know about the barbers because it has come up before on the Jeremy Vine show, R2, when talking about money laundering, criminal gangs etc. In most towns, there used to be 1 or 2 barbers. Now, 6-7, all cash only. There aren't that many extra heads that need hair cutting 😄


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Do we reach an age where we live in innocent bliss?
I'm there......for about 4 years, inspired by Covid and the lockdowns.......that's a band name waiting to be used...

TV is rarely on Monday to Wednesday, Thursday to Sunday its only golf.
I get headlines from radio news if I'm in the car or BBC/Sky on Twitter
That's all I need - don't need the meat, just the bones.
Rarely go into town, rarely do much...kind of becoming a semi-hermit.....and do you know what?
I'm loving it.....never been happier or calmer....


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I'm there......for about 4 years, inspired by Covid and the lockdowns.......that's a band name waiting to be used...

TV is rarely on Monday to Wednesday, Thursday to Sunday its only golf.
I get headlines from radio news if I'm in the car or BBC/Sky on Twitter
That's all I need - don't need the meat, just the bones.
Rarely go into town, rarely do much...kind of becoming a semi-hermit.....and do you know what?
I'm loving it.....never been happier or calmer....
Not helping the golf though lol


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I have to admit that I didn't know about the barbers, but that would explain why there are so many new barbers being opened up. I never use them for having a haircut as I have no faith in their ability to actually cut hair and use a well established local one.
I think we all live in our own bubble. I don't tend to be around the drug and gang culture. I have no interest in it, and don't really frequent the areas where it is most rife. My missus works for a social enterprise charity and so she comes across it all the time. She tells me some of the tricks people use to get money for drink, drugs, etc. by cashing in different forms of government credits at a lower value to allow them to buy their kick.
I guess I am happy in my ignorance and am glad I never got involved in the drugs scene. I have always been very worried my kids would go down that path, but thankfully they haven't.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Ditto @Hobbit , just back from the uk and was surprised how many barbers there were in and around the high street (them and nail salons) Plus, no end of dentists it seems

At the time I naively put it down to high street being full of 'things you cant do online' but I guess the illegal things you mention are possible (probable?)


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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There's at least ten of these Turkish Barbers in Malvern which isn't a big town. They seem to be fitted out expensively and the staff seem to be sat around surfing there phones most of the time. I have wondered a few times how they can be a profitable business. If they really are being used to launder money then surely some would be investigated and shut down?


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Same in Chepstow. Blooming obvious what is going on. Gets refurbed every couple of months too. Police seem too scared to do anything. I wish I knew why.

Local banks are heavily regulated. I sell a set of clubs for cash, go and pay it in, I get 30 mins of interrogation about where it came from.

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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There's at least ten of these Turkish Barbers in Malvern which isn't a big town. They seem to be fitted out expensively and the staff seem to be sat around surfing there phones most of the time. I have wondered a few times how they can be a profitable business. If they really are being used to launder money then surely some would be investigated and shut down?
Who by?

(Please don’t say the Police as I think they have completely withdrawn from society, in our district there might be a couple of bobbies in vans in Romford at chucking out time but the rest of the borough is un-policed)


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Who by?

(Please don’t say the Police as I think they have completely withdrawn from society, in our district there might be a couple of bobbies in vans in Romford at chucking out time but the rest of the borough is un-policed)
Don't the inland revenue have law enforcement officers? It's a bit like opening multiple natural food shops in high streets that are known to be dealing drugs. Would the Police leave them to it due to being withdrawn from society?


Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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It's the same in my typical Surrey country village. Several Turkish barbers have opened up, beautifully presented, serving a local population of thirty or so.

When they first opened up years ago, I mentioned this to Mrs P. She is very well clued up and effectively said it's money laundering.

Also, a Halal meat shop opened up in our village. That was like opening a skiing shop in the middle of Death Valley. Less than one year later, it was gone.


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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OK, I've heard about these Turkish barbers being a money laundering operation, but can anyone explain to me how a barber shop which does virtually no business actually launders money? Am I so far out of touch with the modern world and it should be obvious how it works?

As for the drug problem. It strikes me that the amount of money spent on trying to deal with it might be better spent just giving drugs for free to anyone who wants them.
This would:
- pull the rug out from under the dealers
- remove the need for drug addicts to commit petty crime in order to fund their habit
- allow the authorities to ensure the drugs being taken aren't cut with all manner of nasty stuff
- free up some police time to deal with other stuff
Of course some people would kill themselves with drugs. But they are already doing that.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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OK, I've heard about these Turkish barbers being a money laundering operation, but can anyone explain to me how a barber shop which does virtually no business actually launders money? Am I so far out of touch with the modern world and it should be obvious how it works?

As for the drug problem. It strikes me that the amount of money spent on trying to deal with it might be better spent just giving drugs for free to anyone who wants them.
This would:
- pull the rug out from under the dealers
- remove the need for drug addicts to commit petty crime in order to fund their habit
- allow the authorities to ensure the drugs being taken aren't cut with all manner of nasty stuff
- free up some police time to deal with other stuff
Of course some people would kill themselves with drugs. But they are already doing that.

Cash only is easy to massage numbers. Nobody knows how many clients go through the door.

That's one of the reasons banks are pushing cashless. Helps close this off but ofc the standard conspiracy theories come out about "controlling us" prob from the criminals themselves

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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They clean money. Someone has illicit money from the drugs trade for example, it's cash. They can't take it to a bank, questions would get asked. A barbers I set up, claims to take £X amount per day. They bank that money, state they are a barbers, here is the address etc. That money is now legitimate. The owner now takes that money out to pay 'wages, expenses, rent, consultancy' etc and now it is out and clean to be used.


Head Pro
Oct 8, 2012
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You have a shop. You pay in a load of cash, which is meant to be entirely your takings. Which it isn't.

Your dodgy money is suddenly nice and clean as a bank balance.
OK, I see.
At least this way it can be taxed - so the government gets a cut of the illicit money!

(But why do these barbers have to have such lavish premises? And why on high streets? Surely a dingy back street shop would reduce their costs?)