No longer buying new balls

I use a new pro v1x for every comp ,
It then goes in the bag for social golf.
Got some from Clark’s golf yesterday £32.95 doz as there’s a new model for 2019.
I’ve bought brand new and also used off eBay. I cannot tell a difference and unless you’re testing side by side with a robot I doubt anyone else can either. Every ball manufacturer will say water will damage the ball - but of course they would - whether it did or didn’t.

Vice golf state balls being submerged for longer periods of time can be effected. Possibly. I’m not a pro on tour. £50 a dozen or £50 for 4 dozen, it’s a no brainer for me.

Picked up 50 yellow srixon z-stars on eBay for £18 👍🏻
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I still have 4 dozen of those nike platinums that were going for 12.50 a dozen last year. Great balls.
My brother got me 12pro vs for Christmas so well stocked up at the min.

I like to have plenty of premium balls for practice and friendly games. Not adverse to buying 2nd hand premium balls from out pro shop. Twos money usually takes care of this.

Would rather use a 2nd hand premium ball than a mid range ball.

Over winter I have been using any old ball as the greens are soft. No difference.
I'm done with buying new balls. There are so many Facebook sellers who ship out Pearl balls which have hardly any marks on them (looks like a brand new ball after 9 holes) for a quarter of the price.

33 Wilson DX2, 33 soft feel and 33 ad333 all for the price of a new box of prov1s. That's my balls for the season done, and my practice bag topped up.

As a 15 handicapper, that'll do me.
Crikey! How many do you lose a year? It took me three years to go through 4 dozen Hex Pro I bought at £12.50 a dozen. (I'm a relatively straight hitter).
I've already put my thoughts on lake balls on another thread so not going to repeat them here. I find enough (some of my friends don't his as straight 😉) that I only have to top up occasionally and there are plenty enough deals on last year's mid/premium balls that I never pay full whack.
Crikey! How many do you lose a year? It took me three years to go through 4 dozen Hex Pro I bought at £12.50 a dozen. (I'm a relatively straight hitter).
I've already put my thoughts on lake balls on another thread so not going to repeat them here. I find enough (some of my friends don't his as straight 😉) that I only have to top up occasionally and there are plenty enough deals on last year's mid/premium balls that I never pay full whack.

That'll do me for the next year and fill up my practice bag which is now full of tatties
Cant remember the last time I bought new balls for me. Always play with seconds or ones found on the course.

Rather spend the money on playing a top 100 course.:oops:
Same here, I find a boat load and I use them till I lose them and I don’t hit it far enough to lose these days 🤣
After buying some pearls from a forum member I vowed never to buy them again. The ad333’s all lost their logo’s within half to three quarters of a round which make me question were they actually that ball in the first place.
I buy only one or two dozen balls a year which I then use for comps. The rest of the time I play balls i found, won or which were given to me. I got 48 brand new Taylormade Project S last year for testing (and still have more than half of those), but I make a point of buying the few balls I do buy from our always struggling pro-shop. I decided the 1 or 2 Euro I might pay more for them do not hurt me.
After buying some pearls from a forum member I vowed never to buy them again. The ad333’s all lost their logo’s within half to three quarters of a round which make me question were they actually that ball in the first place.
Evere ad333 lake ball i have ever had the lacquer coat peeled off... Makes a nice whirring noise off the tee!
ive got a whole shopping basket of Ad333 in the shed, all in great condition, most i'd be surprised if hit more than a few times..... Baldrick fav ball
A couple of years ago, Melly couldn't play golf, his back had gone. So he had a walk round the course with us. The course had hired a new machine for three days cut/smash back the rough to two inches. It was about October time. His back was a mess after 18 holes, between the four of us we found over 800 balls. I had all the ad333's and 333 tours. I still have about 40 left. However I have since discovered Titliest Dt trusoft. Fortunately for me a new PP ( the one who follows Newcastle 😖) looks for balls everywhere. He gave me 10 Dt trusofts on Tuesday. 😁👍
Got to say I have never hit a found ball and thought that's crap. Not sure when I will buy another ball.
Shag bag full of ones I've found in the rough for use on practice ground,get 2doz every year for Xmas from family that do me for the years comp requirements,can't remember last purchase