New Motocaddy S-Series batteries have higher voltage.


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Nov 3, 2020
United Kingdom
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I have noticed that on trying to buy a Motocaddy manufactured replacement lithium battery for the Motocaddy S-Series that the battery has a higher voltage and the charger has also changed to a higher voltage model. The previous lithium batteries labelled as 12.8V and were around 14.8V when fully charged and the new battery is labelled as 14.4V but around 16.8V when fully charged. The plug on the battery lead is compatible with the existing range of carts but the new charger plug will only connect to the new battery. The plug contacts have changed from black and blue to white and black. The older lithium chargers will connect but not charge the new battery as they have insufficient voltage.

Whilst this change may be of technical interest to a few, it causes a bit of a problem with the carts as they move significantly faster on the same speed setting than before and this is particularly noticeable on the S7 remote. I would assume that the carts can handle the additional voltage without damage.

I have tried to find out more from Motocaddy and they were unaware of the change to the replacement lithium batteries on sale for the current models but thought the new model of the S1 which has yet to be released will require 16V.

Does anyone know any more about this change in the Motocaddy lithium batteries?
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