New lockdown will courses close?

It does amaze that when decisions like this are made why consultations aren’t made by the culture Secretary to the governing bodies of relevant sports.

I know England Hockey were totally unaware of what was going to happen , England Golf clearly were not informed and even elite sports etc - a lot of Amatuers sport leagues like rugby have all been cancelled

Because governments cannot consult with every governing body of every sport every time they want to make a decision on something. What is so special about Golf? In terms of amateur participation sports in the UK in 2018/19, it barely outstrips Badminton and pales into insignificance when compared to Running, Swimming and Hill Walking, all of which themselves are dwarfed by the various combined gymnasium based activities.

Data source:

Sometimes you just cannot govern by concensus...sometimes you need a government that just says JFDI and we will sort the fallout afterwards.
It does amaze that when decisions like this are made why consultations aren’t made by the culture Secretary to the governing bodies of relevant sports.

I know England Hockey were totally unaware of what was going to happen , England Golf clearly were not informed and even elite sports etc - a lot of Amatuers sport leagues like rugby have all been cancelled

Why would they be?!
I wonder. Will these people that oppose the petition refuse to play if golf is given the green light?

I think you maybe either misreading or deliberately misinterpreted what’s being said but I’ll clarify

I believe a full national wide restrictions was wrong and should have stayed locally , I’m not happy that we can’t play golf for 4 weeks

But i believe starting a petition to make golf exempt from the restrictions was wrong for a number of reasons

It’s an awful situation right now with the pandemic , death rates and infection rates are on the increase once again and the government believe it’s time to try stronger measures and surely it’s our responsibility to do our bit to help as opposed to throwing toys out of the cot demanding that we can still play our sport because there appears to be a belief that gold is totally immune to the virus. It’s 4 weeks to try and help , reduce the traffic , reduce the movement , help in anyway we can for a small amount of time in the hope that we help get people through a hard winter ahead .

Yes it’s harsh , yes it’s outdoors where the risk is lower but that doesn’t mean we should be exempt from helping out and doing our bit
Saying stuff like 'golf is a sport, no different to any other' is obviously disingenuous. Rugby and football for example cannot be played without physical contact, whereas golf obviously can.

It looks like another miserable day of rain down here in the beautiful south, so I am not missing golf. But should it be open to anyone who wants to don a scuba diving outfit and some wellies? Yes, absolutely. Any business that can be carried out safely at the moment should be open.