My Swing


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Jan 24, 2008
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7 iron swing

Video of my swing as it is now. I know its not great but I am going through a swing change and looking to try get the left arm straighter and higher.

Still need to get the club away less on the inside but its not as bad as it looks, its just the camera angle.

Hit a couple of stray shots towards end but I was starting them out right and getting them to draw (helped with the wind up a little) to a green at 150 yards slightly to my left.

Only worth watching the first 3, the rest are pushed.

All comments welcomed, good or bad :D
Only two things I can see and that is the club looks to be coming back a bit too far inside which you obviously realise and also it may just be me but you seem awfully tense before you swing. It looks very rigid as if you need to relax but that may just be me / the video.

Looks decent though all together.

Also do you prefer a draw flight with irons? I rarely draw my irons even though I'm quite good at doing it on occasions. I just find it less accurate than when hitting a cut or hitting it straight. I personally would not recommend someone to draw the ball with their irons if they asked me whether they should try and do it all the time. It is a good shot to have in your armory no doubt but I don't see why you would want to hit a draw all the time. Each to their own though and I may be the only person who thinks this way but it's just my opinion.
You maybe right about me being tense, I started too feel a bit tense hitting the last 10 balls in the basket, no idea why, maybe because the cam was on.

I used to fade the ball alot and I hated that flight so I decide to get the club on the inside on the way down, thus producing the draw. I would say I hit it mostly straight with a hint of draw, maybe 5 yards when I am playing well.

I know the reason the club is still to much on the inside is because I amtrying to keep my right elbow tucked in but I know realise its tucked in too tight.
I think your swing looks good, I always reord my swing and it helps loads. I set up a site to upload them to, if you want upload your there too. address is below.

but keep on going and you will improve very quickly!
Not bad, but agree with the comment about coming away too quickly on the inside. need to be carefull here as this can lead to some other problems in time. Also. don't know if you were too tensde, but your hands seem just a tad too close to your legs at address. Can you get a hand span between club end and top of your thigh ?

Nice stike though so ball is in right position in your stance.
Sweet as fella, bit too flat on the takeaway and you do come over on a different plane. Also being picky your arms and torso are starting the down swing. In general mate its looking proper good!
I thought you were standing a little too close and could do with a bit more flex in the knees. Ideally there should be a line from your shoulder, through the edge of you knee and into the ball of the foot (you can check by holding a shaft down from you shoulder). The only other point if I was being a tad picky was that the length was a fraction long. It was just about parallel but as the irons (especially 7 and lower) are about control, a shorter swing may give you more feeling and control. Overall though I reckon that is a pretty tidy swing and seems to repeat nicely
I watched two beautiful golf swings then I thought you were getting a little tight. I need to ask, did you deliberately move right with your shot or were you getting a little enthused by those brilliant earlier shots (we all do)and pushing a little?

All in all you aint got many worries Tony.
I got some images and scribbled on them. BUT, for some unknown reason, I can't upload them to photobucket.

I'd agree about the right knee (one of my foibles, I'm afraid) and after about 3 goes managed to capture the exact moment when you get fully hinged and we/I/you can see how you set the club. It's pretty flat...and this coupled with taking it back on the inside means you are where I was at less than a year ago.

The good news though is that you are bang on plane early in the downswing, and even from a down-the-line, it's clear you've got some good lag going on. To see if this stays late, we'd need to get you side on.

My recommendation (not because I'm reckon I know it all, but because I've been there myself) is to
a) sink into your right knee more
b) at the set, make sure the butt end of the club is pointing inside the ball or AT it as a minimum
c) wrap the club around your neck and "pose" a little. Just before you finish the swing, you have a classic "replica" of your plane, but then something wierd happens.

I've seen it in real life and it already works, keep practising, just don't get any flatter but keep working on the draw path, because if you can get more upright, this starts to get harder.

Good stuff....
The only two observations that I can see are

1. The take away comes on the inside, but you correct it well on the downswing.

2. The take away is slighty too long and goes across the target line. I used to do this, have since shortened and got better results. I practiced holding the pose in a mirror at the top (yes, and with a golf club in my hand!).

All in all though mate, it looks very smooth.

This is a great idea to upload your swing onto the forum, must get mine done.
PPE....we should all meet up and see the devastation caused by our swing tinkering!!!

I feel a nice day trip to Enville in the Spring is a MUST.

Another good shout would be to see if Yidio would be up for some 4bBb at his with you, me and TonyN.

Everytime I go past Gaudet, I say "hello" in my mind.
How the hell are you playing off 18, Tony? The swing's much better than that.

Yes, you take the club inside too early but your swing looks almost identical to on of my mates who plays off 8.

Hoping not to be drawn against you at Goswick!
I like you j_f everyone else leave the conversation.

Thanks for the comments guys it is work in motion that is being tweeked by my pro. I am working on coming away on the inside and it's getting better but still not there. Right knee I know is a problem, will look at that next.

Homer, have worked with Jamie on my stance and getting my weight in the middle of my stance and he is happy. I couldn't bend the knees any more or I would fat every shot. Happy I am balanced through out but will get him to check it next lesson.

Herb as I said only first 3 shots were worth watching. I was putting them slightly right but the 4th onwards were pushed or thinned. I wouldn't normally hit balls that quick I would do my ore shot. It was just for the sake if video.

Dave I am up for your idea. Always enjoy meeting up with you. If you fancy something in the mean time though I am up for clays. And we can swap sticks too.
PPE....we should all meet up and see the devastation caused by our swing tinkering!!!

I feel a nice day trip to Enville in the Spring is a MUST.

Another good shout would be to see if Yidio would be up for some 4bBb at his with you, me and TonyN.

Everytime I go past Gaudet, I say "hello" in my mind.

Good man. Sounds like a very good idea to arrange a few games mate i'd look forward to that. Clays is a very good idea as I would like to arrange an appointment with Mizzy for some new irons.

Gaudet would not say "hello" back mate because it's always bloody closed because of the weather. Too much rain last night and closed today and tomorrow too I would think. I'm off to Ombersley in a bit to get a round in over there.
I have got a very similar swing, but i guess you will have trouble with pressure shots (like i do), it is definitely worth improving.

My advice would be to hold your club further away from your crotch , and focus on standing tall.

I guess you have troubles with a push (and push slice), hook and the occasion pull.

Hope your swing gets even better
I like you j_f everyone else leave the conversation.

Thanks for the comments guys it is work in motion that is being tweeked by my pro. I am working on coming away on the inside and it's getting better but still not there. Right knee I know is a problem, will look at that next.

Homer, have worked with Jamie on my stance and getting my weight in the middle of my stance and he is happy. I couldn't bend the knees any more or I would fat every shot. Happy I am balanced through out but will get him to check it next lesson.

Herb as I said only first 3 shots were worth watching. I was putting them slightly right but the 4th onwards were pushed or thinned. I wouldn't normally hit balls that quick I would do my ore shot. It was just for the sake if video.

Dave I am up for your idea. Always enjoy meeting up with you. If you fancy something in the mean time though I am up for clays. And we can swap sticks too.

Bit of teaching to suck eggs here Tony, but if you could find those first three every time and match judgement and accuracy of line you would have a cracking game to threaten everyone with :D I never went into detailed comments as I believe in the simplistic form and if you can find those first three all the time, (and you seem to know what the errors are) you dont need much advice. ;)