My swing... Please go easy!


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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I'm a newbie and know nothing. Sorry to even comment, but are you sure?

Let me explain that comment a lil...

The swing eliminator has really stopped me from coming outside of the ball. If you look at the vid and place a line on the right side of the ball the club doesn't come from outside of the ball... I see where you are coming from but as I have hit approx 500 balls with this swing eliminator. It completely stops you from coming outside to in. Do you think I am still coming over the top then but almost tucking the club in to avoid hitting the SwingEliminator?

I feel like I now have a good neutral grip, steady swing speed and I am hitting it well... I think if I can keep working on the range and course I could play well with my unique swing... after all the old cliche of the ball doesn't know where the club has been makes me think I can really push on.


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May 13, 2011
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Do you think I am still coming over the top then but almost tucking the club in to avoid hitting the SwingEliminator?

Like I said- I'm a newbie and don't have a clue. Just fascinated by the golf swing. The answer to your question might, just might, be found in these images. 1st is at address, 2nd at impact.


I feel like I now have a good neutral grip, steady swing speed and I am hitting it well...

Surely that's all that matters at this stage!

I think if I can keep working on the range and course I could play well with my unique swing...

At amateur level, I reckon everyone's swing is completely unique. If you can, try and find Justone's video of him and his two mates hitting their drives. Look at how different their swings are, but all with decent results.

after all the old cliche of the ball doesn't know where the club has been makes me think I can really push on.

Amen brother! Believe to achieve! Good luck..... keep us updated.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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"If you can, try and find Justone's video of him and his two mates hitting their drives. Look at how different their swings are, but all with decent results."

Cheers mate,

Do you know what that thread was called... Just been looking for it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Hi Guys,

Just looking to get a few comments on how the swing is looking now.

I have worked loads on it and must admit I cant help but give up on this perfect takeaway... I have convinced myself If Furyk can hit it well with being so far off plane then surely I can have a swing thats not exactly text book.

Anyway I have really really tried to get rid of my over the top swing and to be honest without a swing eliminator I have really struggled (would highly recommend one)

Anyway ignore my mates really american sounding comment and be brutally honest...

I don't think using Furyk as an 'excuse' (maybe the wrong word) is a good thing to do, unless you have the talent and co-ordination of him as well to make all the little corrections that he does to get the club back to the ball in the same way that he does.

Oops, disclaimer that I'm not an expert btw :)

I don't think you come over the top, but you have early extension.
If you look at the images that virtuocity posted, and look at where your backside is at address and impact you will see a gap appear between you and the partition to the bay behind you.
At impact you've lost that nice spine angle that you had at address and look as if you're desperately trying to pull your hands up to stop the club burying itself in the ground.

As I said I'm no expert, but I speak from experience of having (hopefully past tense) had the problem myself.

I found the usual advice on the internet of thinking about your backside being up against a wall and staying there through the swing, or practising up against a chair, but in the end I found 2 thoughts that I think are working well for me. Everybody relates to different ideas in different ways and you just have to find the one(s) that click with you.

Mine are 1) moving the right knee towards my left knee instead of towards the ball, and 2) imagine my right hip in the downswing moving to where the left one was.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
DaveyG, thanks for your PM, I'll take a look later as I'm setting up a new PC

Region3 is correct about the early extension, you steepen the club (because you have to) and this keeps your club (just about) looking like it's coming from the inside (it's likely a little bit outside at the moment of impact)

I agree about the right knee.... you should think about it moving LEFT and not out towards the ball. You have a 2 plane swing, it's high and narrow, it's a more 'linear swing' if that makes sense.

here's that vid that Virtuocity mentioned

If you can draw lines on the swingreader then draw one from the head of the club to the end of the grip...... then see how your thighs 'squish' the amount of space you have thru impact.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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What makes you think that?

Haha yeah to be fair they could all be going 20 yards into a brook!

I can see what you guys have said from the pictures but genuine question? what difference does that make? I was hitting the ball well yesterday and hit the ball a decent distance when I play well... Will changing that increase accuracy or distance?

Im more than happy to improve my swing hense the reason I have posted it looking for constructive abuse but Im not sure how much I can get my swing looking photo perfect. Im 6ft6 and abit of a fatty. I just want to hit the ball how I have been consistantly.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Im more than happy to improve my swing hense the reason I have posted it looking for constructive abuse but Im not sure how much I can get my swing looking photo perfect. Im 6ft6 and abit of a fatty. I just want to hit the ball how I have been consistantly.

Not a lot wrong with your swing, the impact sounded OK, good tempo. Surprised that you're a 22 h/cap with that swing to be honest! Don't know what that video that Virtuocity wanted me to post actually proves other than a 12 h/capper (the first guy) and a 5 h/capper (the second guy) can have crap swings and still get the job done.

You have early extension (which doesn't help). Your right hip and knee come out to the ball in a more 'rotational manner' rather than sliding to the left, and as a result the path of your club is a little to the left so you fade the ball.

Looks good.... a few tweaks here and there and you'll be cleaning up at forum meets. :mad:


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Not a lot wrong with your swing, the impact sounded OK, good tempo. Surprised that you're a 22 h/cap with that swing to be honest! Don't know what that video that Virtuocity wanted me to post actually proves other than a 12 h/capper (the first guy) and a 5 h/capper (the second guy) can have crap swings and still get the job done.

You have early extension (which doesn't help). Your right hip and knee come out to the ball in a more 'rotational manner' rather than sliding to the left, and as a result the path of your club is a little to the left so you fade the ball.

Looks good.... a few tweaks here and there and you'll be cleaning up at forum meets. :mad:

Cheers mate, I clearly have an awful short game...

To be fair I got my handicap and have never played a comp we just play bounce games every week with no intention until now. I am submitting my cards soon so will get involved abit more this year.

One of the biggest problem I have had is I get out on the course and cant hit the ball... Its shocking how much my game changes, I will play 3 holes really well and then all of a suddern I am duffing it! I have a massive problem with trying to smash the ball into smaller pieces so fingers crossed I feel like I am alot more prepared for this season.

Re the short game I have been putting in a fair bit of work too so I am hoping I come in and shock a few of the lads starting from this weekend.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Well there's no reason a fully grown man mountain of 6' 6" needs TWO SHOTS on any hole.. it must be awfully embarrassing for you :rofl:


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I can see what you guys have said from the pictures but genuine question? what difference does that make? I was hitting the ball well yesterday and hit the ball a decent distance when I play well... Will changing that increase accuracy or distance?

It will improve consistency. You'll hit the ball great now when you're timing's on, but as soon as you don't extend up by the same amount the sweet spot isn't meeting the ball.
It's just another movement you have to time well to hit the ball sweetly, and it's unnecessary.

As I mentioned previously, it is something I suffer from (hopefully not as bad now) and I can knock it round in a respectable score, so by itself it won't stop you scoring well occasionally, but I used to hit many more fats, thins and slices that someone of my handicap ought to. It makes it very hard to get your handicap where you think it ought to be.

Im more than happy to improve my swing hense the reason I have posted it looking for constructive abuse but Im not sure how much I can get my swing looking photo perfect. Im 6ft6 and abit of a fatty. I just want to hit the ball how I have been consistantly.

It doesn't have to be photo perfect.... whose is?

Just try to keep the same nice angles you have at address throughout your swing, and consistency will improve massively.

IMO ;)


Nov 16, 2011
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Don't think there's an OTT issue, but it seems you lose a little control of the club on the down-swing. Losing that bowed wrist at the top might help as that tends to encourage wrist activity on the down-swing. There's definitely EE and (consequently?) you seem to get cramped.

DTL view doesn't show it up, but you may still have your balance on your right leg.

Shape seems not unlike a right handed Mickelson, so maybe all fine! :D