My Study of OBFL versus NBFL


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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As he is aligning his clubface to the target, it can't be OBFL.

And I know it not NBFL because his explanations aren't that complicated.

So its neither.

P.S. Am I right?

Am I right in thinking that you think when Nicklaus, Faldo and more recently Justin Rose said the clubface at the target and the body where you want the ball to start. that they have all been mis-quoting the OBFLs?


Head Pro
Jul 7, 2012
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Am I right in thinking that you think when Nicklaus, Faldo and more recently Justin Rose said the clubface at the target and the body where you want the ball to start. that they have all been mis-quoting the OBFLs?

If you take a look at the OBFL charts in the OP you won't see any reference to the target for the curved flights. Is it me or does everyone have different charts?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I dont think I saw any charts when I learned my golf back in the late 60s/early 70s.
But all the teachers at the time and lots to this day taught the same rules...body left and clubface at the target. Ball starts on the swing path and finishes on the club face.

The NBFL obviously contradict those old rules.


Head Pro
Jul 7, 2012
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I dont think I saw any charts when I learned my golf back in the late 60s/early 70s.
But all the teachers at the time and lots to this day taught the same rules...body left and clubface at the target. Ball starts on the swing path and finishes on the club face.

The NBFL obviously contradict those old rules.

My arguement is based on the charts and not false interpretation of these charts. I always refer to clubface relative to swing path, just like the OBFL do. I also think its very unnatural to line the clubface to anything other than swing path.

I honestly believe the NBFL followers have misread or deliberately ignored the actual directives of the OBFL charts.


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Apr 24, 2010
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i spent a chunk of time on Sunday at teh range playing with face angles and swing paths. I had clubs on the ground, the V-easy setting out the face angle or swing path angle.

i hit a draw. It's a low draw but not too low. Occasionally it turns into a slinging hook.

i started opening my face up, first 5 degs, then 10, then 15 then 20. At 20 i started shanking most shots.
Even at 15 degrees open face angle i was hitting draws !! All starting to the right, and then drawing/hooking back to the middle.

Wow ! That certainly teaches me something. i.e. that even though my feet are aligned straight/neutral, i must be swinging with a face closed to my actual swing path (at impact); so with my feet aligned i miust be REALLLLLY coming from the inside.

10 minutes later, a slightly weaker grip, and a much quieter hip action, and i started hitting lovely straight shots with increased distance and high.

Thanks to the NBFLs and OBFLs debate, i am a better golfer :)


Head Pro
Jul 7, 2012
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i hit a draw. It's a low draw but not too low. Occasionally it turns into a slinging hook.

i started opening my face up, first 5 degs, then 10, then 15 then 20. At 20 i started shanking most shots.
Even at 15 degrees open face angle i was hitting draws !! All starting to the right, and then drawing/hooking back to the middle.

Hi Sev,

I can do many things but hitting draws with an open clubface isn't one of them. Were you practising with a left hander and he was confusing you by calling your slices - draws.


Head Pro
Jul 7, 2012
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I have deliberately invited the NBFL the chance to correct my last statement. They will say an open face to the target but closed to path will indeed create a draw.

I already know that but as I only refer to path, like the OBFL, then a closed face is required for a draw.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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But if the path is to the right and the face is closed to the path, it can still be open to the target


So why did you question Sev and say

I can do many things but hitting draws with an open clubface isn't one of them

Misprint. Correction

When you are playing, do you align your clubface relative to path or target?

I used to aim the clubface at the target but learned that was unwise and now align it in between the path and the target.

Deleted Member 1156

So! explain to us, if you can how it used to work? I am waiting with baited breath for your pearls of wisdom that will reveal the sacred cow of ball shaping that you seem to think whe rest of us elude to. Come on then, please amaze us. I dont think I will hold my breath though. :rofl:

It used to work...and continues to exactly the same way it always has. Nothing has changed, particularly not the laws of physics.

I've been playing this game for 40 years. I started with wooden woods and balata balls and today I use metal woods and modern balls. The same principles apply to shape the ball, it's just a bit harder these days due to the forgiveness of modern oversize clubs.


Head Pro
Jul 7, 2012
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I used to aim the clubface at the target but learned that was unwise and now align it in between the path and the target.

My goodness, its like trying to get blood out of a stone.

I align my clubface relative to the path and that's why I can confidently say that I can't hit a draw with a face that is open to the path.

Using NBFL, they refer to clubface conditions relative to target, so surely you align your face - closed/square/open - to target. Is that not the case?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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It used to work...and continues to exactly the same way it always has. Nothing has changed, particularly not the laws of physics.

I've been playing this game for 40 years. I started with wooden woods and balata balls and today I use metal woods and modern balls. The same principles apply to shape the ball, it's just a bit harder these days due to the forgiveness of modern oversize clubs.

You still have not explained how it works. I know the physics of golf ball ballistics and the old method of pointing the club face where you want the ball to finish and swinging in the direction you want the ball to start does not work. IT DOES NOT WORK!!

If you have the ability to shape the ball then you do not do this, you may think you are but you will not be doing what it says on the tin.

Just look at this video and comment on it please?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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My goodness, its like trying to get blood out of a stone.

I align my clubface relative to the path and that's why I can confidently say that I can't hit a draw with a face that is open to the path.

Using NBFL, they refer to clubface conditions relative to target, so surely you align your face - closed/square/open - to target. Is that not the case?

No they don't. The clubface and ball know nothing about the target. They only know clubface direction and swingpath at impact.

To hit a draw I aim the clubface to the right of the target and direct the swingpath further right of that. The amount depends on the desired sidespin and the loft of the club.

'D' Plane shows us that increased loft reduces the plane resulting in less tilt in the balls axis of rotation.

How do the OBFL explain higher lofts creaing less sidespin?
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Deleted Member 1156

I know the physics of golf ball ballistics and the old method of pointing the club face where you want the ball to finish and swinging in the direction you want the ball to start does not work. IT DOES NOT WORK!!

If you know so much on the subject then I suggest you contact all the great golfers of yesteryear and explain to them that they have been doing it wrong all their careers :thup: