My friends woes


Head Pro
Sep 9, 2011
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My friend has been struggling a lot recently and it's a sad thing to watch as he has such a nice swing but I don't know why he's hit a lot of bad shots.

He is pull drawing nearly every shot, and sometimes with the woods he will be topping them badly.

From what I can see, his feet are aiming right of target and he sometimes over swings

Any tips that I can pass on to him ?



Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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It's so hard to help a fellow player, especially if they are a friend or playing partner.

What I did (and it paid off big time, so much so he got cut about 4 shots in 2 games) was to get him down the range and get to work.

As we all know, a pro will see things differently to an amateur (even if they know quite a bit) and a video camera used will not only reveal common faults that we all can see and also "allow" your friend to see what's going on.

I didn't bother with the video. I just calmly watched him hit balls and then pointed out the glaringly obvious. He took it well.

If you can do this, all well and good. If not, then somehow you've got to persuade the person they are getting worse and need to get some lessons in ASAP.