My American Golf fitting - unbeatable service

When the machine is first turned it will do a self calibration and I am sure you could mess with it in some way to give an incorrect reading, a bit like changing the wind or air temp on it can give the impression you are hitting 300 yard drives.

I grasp that distances can be manipulated but i wasnt sure about ball flight. How does the sim know how to turn a slice into a draw? Can they be set up to remove a slice - by imparting right to left spin on the ball ..... but wouldnt that then turn a draw into a snap hook? Or can you set them up to just go straight regardless?

I really dont understand how this could be achieved.
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Thank you for sharing your experience as a business we are working very hard on making sure that we use our fantastic facilities and expert staff to give our customers an experience that reassures them they have been given correct advice to improve their game going forward. Having been fitted by Zee myself in the past his level of expertise is a real asset to our business Please be sure to let him know how your game progresses.

No problem - as it is there may still be a chance I will be purchasing new irons but the jury is out
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After the recent posts I've dragged up some history from recent range sessions with the 3bays

6 iron taken from first week of December


club head speed 85mph
Impact force 1383lbs
Ball speed 120mph
Carry distance 170yards


club head speed 86mph,
Impact force 1408lbs
Ball speed 122mph
Carry distance 173yards

8 iron stats

club head speed 80mph
Impact force 1253lbs
Ball speed 109mph
Carry distance 148yards

club head speed 81mph,
Impact force 1272
Ball speed 110mph
Carry distance 150 yards

You must have a fairly eff swing from those stats, though im no expert.. good ball speeds by the look of it.

It still does not explain how you were getting an extra 15 yards of carry from less ss than these stats show.

I imagine these wilsons won't have hot faces and jacked lofts so with a blade i would expect less distance not more.

Its up to you, but don't get blinded by the gain it might not be real ...after all. as i said in my emails, you cannot beat seeing them on the course, real flight, real distances and off grass there is no hiding place.:thup:
No problem - as it is there may still be a chance I will be purchasing new irons but the jury is out

Pah get them FG's ordered you've been search weeks for new shineys now not going to buy are you trying to prolong the saga all summer ......

Swing thought for this week.....

Must buy new shineys must buy new shineys
