Tour Winner
Great write up !! i20 and the Cobra AMP are the 2 i fancy having a look at when funds permit !!!
Fragger, I can't get the puma tan. Rickg has that already and people will think I'm he's lOve child
We thought you were anyway
nice write up, you have definitely been tangoed
you can notice the difference between stock and + 2 layers without a doubt, but its more a confidence thing.
Just off to the girlfriends for an assault on the puma section of trendy golf
That Puma clothing is bright mate , tried some on today in St Andrews, the full orange ensomble, the wife pissed herself saying your 42 not 12, go for it mate the futures bright the futures orange,lol
Christ I thought you'd had ur 50th haha
Ah your all heart mate,just because i hit it like an old man doesn't mean i am one,lol, good fitting at Scott Gourlays mate.