moved How could you stop potential chests


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Where has it been moved to please and may I ask the reason why?

It is of interest as we have probably been affected by some of the people in The NW.

Many thanks
There were a few posts that could have resulted in people being identified and then they would be being accussed of cheating, whilst that may or may not be true the potential legal ramifications for the forum were probably too much meaning the thread had to be moved/closed etc.

The forum and GM are liable for the issues that appear on the forum as well as the posters. It can be very costly to accuse someone of anything you cant prove - suspicion and proof are NOT the same.
2nd edit........

just noticed its the OP that has CHESTS not Vice who is clearly more astute and aware than myself and williamalex:o