Membership dilemma


Assistant Pro
May 5, 2016
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Wondering if anyone could offer advice who has maybe been in a similar situation,

I have only been playing for 9 months or so, I joined my local club which is a great club with friendly members and a great course, all winter they haven't been on temp greens, the odd day the fairways have been out of play, the last few days being the exception but obvious freak conditions with the storm we had.

I am in the process of moving house, we don't have a set area we are moving too yet, the options vary over an area of about 20-30 miles. If we move to the extreme furthest area it wouldn't be feasible to continue at my present club. I'm wary of paying the annual membership due in April as if I move then I wouldn't be able to get there as much as I'd like to, would be playing a max of once a week. I like to play a couple of evening per week in the summer.

I have emailed the secretary asking if they do any kind of associate membership where I can still play in comps on a pay as you play basis, then once I have sorted the house move I'll know if I can continue membership there. They don't mention this kind of membership on the website.

Has anyone ever been in this situation? Is there a way to play competitive golf and keep your handicap without being a member at a club?




The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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If your club doesn't have a scheme like you require, maybe find another club close by that does, join there on their scheme - hopefully it won't cost too much - and then you can decide properly, once you've moved, which club is going to be best long term...


Q-School Graduate
Apr 19, 2009
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Went through something similar a couple of years ago. I had bought my new house 6 months before moving (work commitments kept me back). Having been a member for years I thought if I payed half the fee it would be OK - with it being 3 months winter then up to June it wasn't like I was cherry picking either. It didn't go well even though the pro was for it. I would see what they say but if it's no I'd not bother until you know where you are going - most clubs will do a pro rata fee for membership and who knows you may find an even better club!
Play 3 comes when settled and your hcp is fine!