Managing a strong grip....


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Yesterday I had a lesson and it would seem the same old faults are back in my set up which is leading to the erratic scores that I have been seeing.

Out of no where it would seem yet again I'm left hand strong (right handed player) I'm set up, this is leading to a closed face at the top meaning I'm coming in and having to fall back from the swing in order get save the shot and keep the ball going straight, it's funny as looking back over the past three months my main misses seem to be hooky so the pro's analysis seems to be correct.

We first tried getting the left hand in a neutral position but what happened next was quite weird, every time we get my hand in a neutral position, my forearm literally tenses up solid meaning it's impossible to grip the club at all. There were other underlying faults which are the same faults as always, too much wrist action in the back swing, straight to the inside on takeaway couple this with a strong grip and being **** at the top means a lot of action in the down swing that wastes power and requires a lot of timing to get the save working, get it right and it's a slight push get it wrong and it's either a snapper or a cut..... :sbox:

The pro has got me working solely on takeaway, getting back to waist height , ensuring its toe up to keep in neutral and assures me that the grip being slightly **** at the top is not going to be an issue if I get the takeaway issues sorted.

My question is I need to look at some pros DTL who play with a strong grip or a shutish face at the top if nothing more than to cement the faith that my pro has me going down a worth while route,

So,,, who else of the tour lads plays with any of the above symptoms , and also anyone else on the forum have these issues and how have they managed them,


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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The most successful of those with a strong grip is Zach Johnson. The best way to succeed is to focus on body rotation rather than hitting with the hands (obviously the handsier you get the more effect the strong grip has and the bigger the hooks become).

I have a strong grip that I constantly fight, almost an ongoing battle to weaken it and consequently often fight the hooks. Decent tempo and full rotation, especvially clearing the hips on the way through tend to reduce the amount of shape I get


Money List Winner
Feb 4, 2010
north yorks
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I was having the similar problems scoring so Lessons booked and taken in september my pro decided to
Get take and wrist hinge ingrained to get club face neutral more important than grip change. So I'm working with a strong grip but flight and consistency much improved when I get take away and hinge correct. Got some funny looks keep practicing take aways at work! :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Cheers guys, me brown, it seems your pro has gone the same route as mine, instead of fighting the grip, he said he wants to leave it be and correct it with the swing instead of the grip.

I'm determined to try again and see if I can get the grip more neutral, even if I can improve it 10% it should mean less swing related work to correct it

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I'm quite the opposite at the minute.

I've been hittng quite a few pushes of late, even in my lesson last night.

Had a look at my grip as it sat on the club and I could could only see the knuckle of my index finger. It seems my grip has moved from a neutral/semi strong 2-2.14/2 nuckles to a weak 1 :mad:

Addressed and no more pushes.

I can't remember who (.. Might have been Tom Watson or Trevino) saying you should play with the strongest grip you can without hooking.


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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I am fighting the same thing and have had some success with taking the grip with my left hand and lifting the club up, if the club shuts I put it down, square it and try again. I do not take my grip with the right hand until I can pick the club up and keep it square.

It seems to be my left forearm that wants to shut the face (as you have said). I reason that if it wants to do it at address its really going to want to do it though impact. It feels really strange but the more I do it the less it feels odd.

My path also improves when I grip up as I have described.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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It seems having torn ligaments in your left ankle and an unwillingness to get the weight too far forward in the swing is a good counter balance to a strong grip and a handsy action, straightest Ive hit the ball in years lol


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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It seems having torn ligaments in your left ankle and an unwillingness to get the weight too far forward in the swing is a good counter balance to a strong grip and a handsy action, straightest Ive hit the ball in years lol

Full shots? No pain? Sounds good!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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It seems having torn ligaments in your left ankle and an unwillingness to get the weight too far forward in the swing is a good counter balance to a strong grip and a handsy action, straightest Ive hit the ball in years lol

Sounds about right , no ligaments in the left leg also


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I have a strong grip too and my pro is more than happy to keep it. Lots of top pros are the same so it isn't the grip per se but the path your club travels on. Of course it has a part to play but it can be used as part of a very functional swing


Nov 16, 2011
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It seems having torn ligaments in your left ankle and an unwillingness to get the weight too far forward in the swing is a good counter balance to a strong grip and a handsy action, straightest Ive hit the ball in years lol

I broke my left ankle a couple of years ago. The Doc stated that it was 'a nice clean break with no ligament damage'. Nice simple mend, though it still took a couple of weeks of solid practice before I 'trusted' it enough to shift weight onto it and follow through properly with a Golf swing!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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This video shows how Zac Johnson manages his strong grip by holding onto the release:



Nov 16, 2011
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How much of a 'descending blow' do you reckon he had?

Seems to me that through the actual impact, the club-head wasn't descending at all. Contact with the ground actually came quite a bit after the ball had gone and the head appears to have been dragged into the ground - or flicked back into normal after the bend Kostis points out!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Well so far that's 300 balls trying to kill a strong grip after Wednesdays lessons and it a total car crash, which is gutting considering I played some great golf Tuesday...... Another lesson this Wednesday to assess whether my body will actually do what the pro wants it to....

Anyone dishing out hugs.... I need one.

SR, CHEERS for posting the video, holding a late release may have to be a plan c, so far changing the left hand grip is a no no ,... The forearm just locks, and option b doesn't seem to be working much better either,


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Well so far that's 300 balls trying to kill a strong grip after Wednesdays lessons and it a total car crash, which is gutting considering I played some great golf Tuesday...... Another lesson this Wednesday to assess whether my body will actually do what the pro wants it to....

Anyone dishing out hugs.... I need one.

SR, CHEERS for posting the video, holding a late release may have to be a plan c, so far changing the left hand grip is a no no ,... The forearm just locks, and option b doesn't seem to be working much better either,

You can have a hug from me Baz, I now how important your game is to you!


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Well so far that's 300 balls trying to kill a strong grip after Wednesdays lessons and it a total car crash, which is gutting considering I played some great golf Tuesday...... Another lesson this Wednesday to assess whether my body will actually do what the pro wants it to....

Anyone dishing out hugs.... I need one.

SR, CHEERS for posting the video, holding a late release may have to be a plan c, so far changing the left hand grip is a no no ,... The forearm just locks, and option b doesn't seem to be working much better either,
How strong is your grip? Can you get a picture face on?