Long iron success


Head Pro
Dec 21, 2010
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Evening all

I'm relatively new to the game and stated playing in the hybrid generation

Recently I've had no joy with my hybrids so have been using my 3 and 4 irons, which bizarrely I'm hitting lovely

I can't work it out, surely a hybrid should be easier to strike? However I have had the club face closed at parallel on takeaway recently, something that I'm slowing correcting
I can't understand why it would be harder to change the club face on a hybrid than on an iron ?

Anyone else ditched the hybrids for some old schools?

Ive stuck with my long irons, I love having the 3 iron as a tee option and my 4 from the fairway is my stock par 5/long par 4 layup club.

In my experience if you cannot hit a hybrid its due to you putting a different swing on it to other clubs, its easy to get a bit handsy or try and hit it too hard, play it too far forward or try and be too steep. I had this isssue with irons vs woods. I would always come too much on the inside with woods trying to play them more sweeped, I was just interpreting advice wrong and I found them far easier to hit when I try and fade them and hit them soft, the same worked for my hybrid.

I will move my 3 iron over to an equivalent hybrid, I have a 2 iron replacement but its pretty much a driving iron for me and I rarely use it.
It's odd, driver fine, 3 wood off the tee fine, off the deck poor, hybrids tee and deck poor

I think you maybe right as mentally it seems like a club I must belt! Been told loads of times I swing to fast and have recently slowed down, the result much cleaner iron shots but at the expense of the hybrids - probably something simple that a lesson could sort maybe

I wouldn't touch a 3 wood off the deck, not worth the risk. Far better scoring nailing a 7 or 6 iron and pitching on. My pro always says a 3 wood off the deck requires a perfect lie, as if it were on a tee.

Lessons are always the way forward, its usually something simple.